Navy Seal Confronts Hillary Clinton – ‘You Are An Ignorant Liar’ – IOTW Report

Navy Seal Confronts Hillary Clinton – ‘You Are An Ignorant Liar’

dom raso hillary is a liar

Former Navy Seal officer Dom Raso is risking everything this week to slam Hillary Clinton and educate Americans about what a fraud she REALLY is.

17 Comments on Navy Seal Confronts Hillary Clinton – ‘You Are An Ignorant Liar’

  1. I can finally see why the progressives want Hillary to be president. She’s mean hateful and bigoted to ordinary American citizens, whereas Trump is mean hateful and bigoted towards the terrorists who are mean hateful and bigoted to ordinary American citizens. Which brings in Obama’s past 7 years stoking the platform of mean hateful bigotry to give the democrats something to run on. They’ll have goat fuckers voting for them the next 50 years.

  2. Very true.

    Wait until about mid-October. This leaves less time for her to come up with another lie to cover herself, not to mention that 2-3 weeks about the maximum a Lo-Fo Voter can remember anything.

  3. Raise the bar on Hitlery’s serial liar M.O.

    Bring the Benghazi Heroes’ Families forward and have them tell the world how the Secretary of State and President of the United States looked them in the eye, and said their sons died because of an anti-Muslim video. Intersperse this with Hitlery’s testimony before Congress where she admits that she knew from the first moment that this was a pre-planned act of terror. In that testimony she also revealed she told her daughter it was terrorism via e-mail that very night and told the President of Egypt the same thing the next morning.

    She is a serial liar who has never been held to account for what she says, when she says it and to whom.

  4. Liberals have a way of using the words “misspoke” and ” foggy memories”….and they some how get away with it. I heard Sen. Dick Blumenthal lie about being a Vietnam veteran first hand on at least 3 different occasions (departure and arrival ceremonies). He never left the country and only joined on his 5th deferment because he was told he would never have to go overseas yet said when confronted ” I misspoke”….No he lied and still got elected by his mind numbed electorate!!!

  5. Does anyone think that the possible reason the lefties and commies/socialists/traitors ACT ignorant is because they will not listen to nor read anything other than that put out by Chrissy Matthews, MSNBC, and its ilk of propaganda tools which are bought and paid for by Soros and the Left… or perhaps they just are IGNORANT…..

  6. With foggy memories and misspoke, an especially good reason for them not to be elected into high office. If they’re having memory problems, what makes them think they’re fit to run the complex affairs of the country?

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