Law Enforcement Officials, Medical Professionals: There’s Something Seriously Wrong With Hillary Clinton’s Health – IOTW Report

Law Enforcement Officials, Medical Professionals: There’s Something Seriously Wrong With Hillary Clinton’s Health

hillary sneaky

BigGovernment: Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s disappearance from the debate stage last month left people speculating that the former First Lady took a long bathroom break, but now a law-enforcement source with inside connections is alleging that Clinton was missing from the stage due to health issues stemming from a previous brain injury.

These long-lasting symptoms stemming from a concussion and blood clot, according to a neurologist, suggest Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities.

All that said, however, Clinton’s campaign maintained to Breitbart News that she is in good health and can serve as President of the United States.  MORE

41 Comments on Law Enforcement Officials, Medical Professionals: There’s Something Seriously Wrong With Hillary Clinton’s Health

  1. I’m no doctor, but I believe she is suffering from PDS, Progressive Dementia Syndrome. That illness is what causes liberals to say things they know are lies, but have no ill affects such as guilt, remorse, or actual feelings.

  2. nco, you are correct. The neural connections in her brain are scrambled from her cognitive dissonance which is true of anyone holding contradictory or false beliefs. Most human beings suffer from it but it has gotten and will get much worse (muslims, for example). Also, Hillary’s alcoholism contributes to her ill health.

  3. I have heard through reliable sources that Killary is quite odiferous. Someone who has met with her multiple times said that each time he met with her, she was even more smelly than the last. I was laughing about this with a group of women friends and one of the women, who is 80 and has been at the bedside of several dying friends as they took their last breath, remarked that being really smelly is a sign of illness to the point of decay. Doesn’t bode well for Killary’s future.

  4. First of all, you don’t take coumadin for a blood clot in the brain. If she were taking aspirin as an every day regiment to prevent a heart attack, blood thinners is what causes bleeding in the brain. I know, I had 2 subderal hematomas do to a fall. They drilled 6 holes in my head to drain the blood. Had to do it again 3 months later as the hematoma reappeared. FUCK! I can never take any drug that causes thinning of the blood. As for Hillary, her drinking probably exasperates her condition. I’d like to know what drugs she’s taking besides alcohol. She might suffer not only diarrhea of the mouth, a bad case of shitting her pants worrying about pesky questions about her husband and Benghazi.

  5. I think her 11 hour Bengali testimony proved she has enough energy to lie a lot without falling over with exhaustion.

    It doesn’t matter if she is cognitively impaired, Valery will stay on as the puppeteer.

  6. If she had brain damage, how would anyone know?
    Anyway, for security reasons all the information in her brain has been encrapted. The long visit to the bathroom was to download a new dataset for the remainder of debate.
    The process normally goes quickly, but Huma did not follow proper procedures when wiping the server by starting the procedure before the download was complete.

  7. Actually, Hillary comatose or in a PVS or being brain dead would make her an attractive candidate for me. It would be a refreshing change to have a president who just sat there doing absolutely nothing.

    (Yeah, yeah, I know all about the 25th Amendment. Let me dream for a few minutes!)

  8. “That Smell”
    (part of verse 1 and first line of verse 2)

    Look what’s going on inside you
    Ooooh that smell
    Can’t you smell that smell
    Ooooh that smell
    The smell of death surrounds you

    Angel of darkness is upon you . . . . .

  9. Seeing how uptight she always is, I can’t see her lasting too much longer if she really gets pushed about her record and Bill’s record.
    Kick that bitch while she’s down. She’d do the same.

  10. She is and always has been fucked in the head. The only difference now is they have an event to point to rather than having to accept she is a soulless humanity vacuum.

  11. She’ll pick Bubba. Then, when she cannot continue or goes to Betty Ford to cure “the blow and toot” he can be Presidenté.

    Seriously, I think she was either taking a shot, a “shot” or a snort. Hence, the late arrival back on stage. I figure her for a Jim Beam or Smirnoff kind ‘a girl. Nothing classy, you see.

  12. I predict……that she will finally have a very public, very ugly meltdown when she goes mano a mano with Trump in the debates. All the world will be treated to a prime-time spectacle that will prove many things: Hillary’s uptight, Type A personality; her yoooge anger management problem; her physical problems (I’m praying for a fainting session); and the fact that she is a shameless, lying bitch who is IN NO WAY QUALIFIED to hold the highest office in the land.

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