The Rubio Deceit & The Most Controversial Budget in Washington – IOTW Report

The Rubio Deceit & The Most Controversial Budget in Washington

cruz rubio debate dec 15 2015

“Senator Cruz and Senator Rubio are both politicians whom I like; I agree with them on many things.  But Senator Rubio’s mischaracterization and hypocritical overtures regarding the foreign aid and defense policies in those budgets, particularly as means to smear Senator Ted Cruz for supporting Paul’s FY2014 budget, are unfair.  It’s time to set the record straight.”
See more @ Conservative Review.

2 Comments on The Rubio Deceit & The Most Controversial Budget in Washington

  1. Rubio is typical in every way…liar, fabricator, manipulator, pro-amnesty bitch, pro-open borders bitch, unlimited executive branch power bitch…traitor to America!

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