Marco Rubio campaign advisory board on religious liberty includes Rick Warren, supporter of Hamas-linked ISNA – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio campaign advisory board on religious liberty includes Rick Warren, supporter of Hamas-linked ISNA

JihadWatch: Who better to advise on religious liberty issues than a useful idiot for a Hamas front? In July 2009, Warren addressed the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America, despite the fact that it has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding case.

Rick Warren Cat Stevens

Federal prosecutors said that ISNA had an “intimate relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood,” and were “intimately connected with the HLF” — that is, the Holy Land Foundation, the Hamas-funding charity — “and its assigned task of providing financial support to HAMAS.”

Warren is also a close friend of Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam), despite Cat’s nasheed that contains the lines, “I’m praying to Allah to give us victory over the kuffar,” and his support for the murder of Salman Rushdie for offending Islam.

Yes, clearly Rick Warren is just the guy to advise Rubio on religious liberty. And that’s it for Rubio.  MORE

19 Comments on Marco Rubio campaign advisory board on religious liberty includes Rick Warren, supporter of Hamas-linked ISNA

  1. “I’ve got some doubts about old Islam
    But I’d rather leave them unexplained
    Else I’ll be in hiding with Salman Rushdie
    from Cat Stevens’s new kinda train”

    (from “Heaven’s Gate” by Lonesome Bob Chaney)

  2. Warren is the pastor of an evangelical mega church in California. He gave a speech at some muzz get together, where there were two Jewish (conservative and reform) speakers as well. ho-hum

    I think his value to Rubio is Warren’s millions in net worth, and his power over evangelicals. Mega church, mega bucks, mega loyal followers. He has written a book that, an estimate, brought in over 700 million bucks, and he got a percentage of that, estimated at 11,000,000.

    I think he may be on TV and radio getting The Word out.

  3. rick warren, pastor of brokeback church. Promoting Chrislam, extreme theology.
    It’s all about image, buildings, money and social programs before the Word of Christ.
    Purpose driven lies. Two rubes aren’t better than one.

  4. How ironic, for years now I’ve been trying to get Chalupa and Groucho Marxist to do song parodies on “I blew up the peace train” and “I’m being followed by a sky marshal”.

  5. cato, I agree about Rick Warren. Years ago, when my church started worshiping (not really, but they pushed the “Purpose Driven” crap) RW, I had my doubts. I expressed them but most of the church poopoo’d my concerns. I let it slide because I didn’t have anything to back it up.

    Then when he did his “Chrislam” crap, I didn’t need to say, “I told you so” because people told me I was right.

  6. I read that book years ago and don’t want anything of Warren’s in my house now. He has gone off the deep end. If they take over, he must hope they slit his throat last. Shame on him for not taking a stand for Christ.

  7. Some Izlamo-cat already has artwork of what Warren’s mega church will look like with a gold dome and a crescent moon atop, and a segregated place for the wimminz.

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