STILL SCARED: Bill Clinton Has ‘No Comment’ On ‘Past Transgressions’ – IOTW Report

STILL SCARED: Bill Clinton Has ‘No Comment’ On ‘Past Transgressions’

bill clinton creep

“I don’t have a response,” replied Clinton. “If he wins the Republican nomination we will have plenty of time to talk about it. I have no interest in getting involved in politics or doing anything except trying to help Hillary.”

7 Comments on STILL SCARED: Bill Clinton Has ‘No Comment’ On ‘Past Transgressions’

  1. Bill: “Well… back then, we did not have streaming Internet porn, and a fella’s gotta do what a fella’s gotta do, you know. That’s all I have to say. Next question?”

    Carville: “Yeah. Whu’ he sed. Uhhh-huh… huhhuhuh… unnh…uhuhuh… Hah ’bout them LSU tig-ahs!”

  2. Without researching the question (and he’s not worth the effort), my gut is yes he could. The prohibition from a third term would only come into play if PIAPS somehow wound up room temp in Ft. Marcy Park, and he then tried to run a la LBJ in ’68.

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