Hillary Clinton is running the most sexist campaign ever – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton is running the most sexist campaign ever

NYPost: Hillary Clinton is waging the most sexist campaign in the history of presidential contests by showing up, dumbing down, girling up, and pretending that her husband’s sexual indiscretions — past, potentially present and possibly future — just don’t matter.

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But sex matters.

And sexual harassment — defined as relations between subordinates and the powerful guys for whom they slave — matters, too.

Candidate Clinton infuriatingly plays the chick card, rejecting reality as she sprints to the finish line of the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, the cherry on top of a long and sordid career that was founded not on her talent as a deep thinker, stellar speaker or gifted public servant, but on her sterling credentials as a Grade-A doormat.  more here

5 Comments on Hillary Clinton is running the most sexist campaign ever

  1. All too predictable-2008 it was about picking a racially diverse president, and in 2016, a sexually diverse president. If I had to guess if this keeps rolling, a leftist prez that would be (2020, 2024) anti HUMAN.

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