Ex-Agent: Secret Service too cozy with Clinton, press interference ‘dangerous’ – IOTW Report

Ex-Agent: Secret Service too cozy with Clinton, press interference ‘dangerous’

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9 Comments on Ex-Agent: Secret Service too cozy with Clinton, press interference ‘dangerous’

  1. She is infamous for abusing her SS detail, but you know she does this to winnow out the good guys from the boot-licks. And there are boot-licks in the SS looking to be minions for people like her. Eventually, she gets a cadre which understands her illness, her drunkenness and her rules, and we end up with this stuff.

  2. If she uses these tactics, we counter by exposing them. She’s exactly like that university gender studies (or whatever the *%#=€@$) professor… ‘Hey, I’ve got a reporter here who won’t leave!!! I’m gonna need some MUSCLE!’

    Get all these ss would-be intimidators on video, trying to silence an American asking a question. Absolutely UN-American.

    The questions she tries to silence are ALL legitimate, such as:

    How can you claim to support women when you’ve enabled and covered for your husband’s sexual harassment for years?

    Do you know who Juanita Brodderick is?

    Why did you lie to the parents and families of those killed in Benghazi, claiming the attack was some spontaneous response to a video, when it’s now been proven by your email record that you knew it was a planned attack?

    After nearly eight years of ‘progressive democrat’ policy, our economy still struggles, Americans rightly feel more threatened by radical Islamic terrorism, the Middle East is more dangerous than before, and young people entering the work force can’t find jobs. You have not articulated any policy positions substantially different from those of the current administration, so apart from ‘making history’ by electing the first woman president, what the fuck do you have to offer?

  3. THE ONLY reason this bitch and her adulterous husband are NOT in prison or dead is because our system of justice, of government is for sale to the highest bidder….time to clean house or demolish it…

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