Metro rider arrested for fare evasion after using free pass – IOTW Report

Metro rider arrested for fare evasion after using free pass

FOX 5: – A Germantown man says he was arrested for evading his fare at the Tenleytown Metro station Thursday even though he says he had a complimentary one-way pass to ride the rails.

free ride pass

Ray Hall says he works at Fannie Mae and regularly rides the Red Line from Tenleytown to Shady Grove. After a recent unpleasant trip, he says he was given five free passes for one-way rides on the system.

Thursday afternoon, Hall says he presented one of those passes at the Tenleytown station, but instead of being permitted to board a train, he was handcuffed and taken into custody.  MORE

10 Comments on Metro rider arrested for fare evasion after using free pass

  1. I wouldn’t have shown my ID either. where on those free passes does it have his name to match to any ID?
    And what’s the arrest for? If they took the passes from him to look at them, why not just rip them up in front of him instead?

  2. Papers please! If you think they are restricting travel now, wait until the country is using “self-driving” cars (e.g. the smart car).

    Then we’ll see some virtual road blocks, no go zones and amazing “stops by the cops”.

  3. I am old enough to remember when mass transit was run by private enterprises, not the gubmint. It seems to me all this nonsense started when the Feds, states, counties, and cities began running things.

  4. I remember as a kid being given a description of how oppressive the Soviet system was.
    When the police interacted with a person, they had to provide ‘papers’, if the papers were not in order the person was taken to the station for questioning.
    That was in the late 60’s.
    At this rate, in another 20 years we will come to view Stalinism as freer than our system.

  5. The rides on the DC Metro are famous for muggings, stalking and even assaults, but don’t you DARE be stealin’ no ride!!!!

    Moscow transit cops can at least read. Or take a decent bribe.

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