‘Sudden Death’ – IOTW Report

‘Sudden Death’

Dr. Drew Warns of Coming Pulmonary Embolism with Hillary Clinton’s ‘Shoddy’ Health.

Breitbart: Nationally syndicated radio and HLN television host Dr. Drew Pinsky said he’s concerned about the “sophistication” of the healthcare that Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton is receiving.

Hillary gown

“Why is somebody who’s running for the President of the United States getting such shoddy care?” Drew stressed on KABC’s Midday Live. “My problem is the quality of the overall care she is getting,” he added.

Dr. Drew was reacting to a recent report by Breitbart News that revealed security officials and medical professionals speculate Clinton could be suffering from long-term health issues stemming from a concussion and blood clot, a claim that the Clinton campaign denied – referencing Clinton’s health statement produced by her physician and published on her campaign website.  more here

21 Comments on ‘Sudden Death’

  1. I have to question his issues with Coumadin. The reason it’s used in my family is that it’s reversible in an emergency situation.

    The new drugs thin your blood and they don’t require you to be checked weekly, monthly etc… But if something tragic were to happen you can’t reverse the effects with a bag of plasma. You are kind of SOL until it’s out of your system.

    This was a recommend by a vascular surgeon and a hemotologist. Their opinion was the new drugs are for lazy people who forget meds or don’t like checkups.

  2. Not that Hillary isn’t skidding to the grave if she doesn’t handle her bidness, but what are Dr. Drew’s qualifications? MTV, HLN and a few years at KROQ? [He was giving teens advice about sex on a radio show, you guys. *rolls eyes*]

  3. If he gets some lofos and millennials thinking about what a physiological disaster she is, he’s done his job. And next, doc Hollywood might want to pontificate on Shuffleboard Sanders and the Gray Groper, even though he’s out of the race right now.

    Between Hillary, Bernie and Joey, I don’t think the three of them have have enough years left to put together two terms. Maybe one, but not two.

  4. Notice the “Shoddy Care” Ref? hhmmm makes ya wonder,ever think about Sup Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg has had Pancreatic
    Cancer for about 8 years or so? What about Jimmy Carter? Others not so lucky?Just curious.

  5. Please pray that a) Old Ruth holds on just one more year or: b) that if she doesn’t, the senate drags it’s feet in confirming her successor. But I have no confidence in Orin Hatch doing the right thing.

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