Ed Klein: Hillary Clinton ‘Part of Rape Culture Herself,’ Must Address Health Problems – IOTW Report

Ed Klein: Hillary Clinton ‘Part of Rape Culture Herself,’ Must Address Health Problems

“It goes all the way back to from her original arrival in Little Rock, Arkansas…”

clintons early 70s

Breitbart […] Klein said Clinton called her father and brother to come down from Chicago and keep and eye on her husband. They told her in 1975 what he was doing with women, and then Clinton hired private investigators on these women – not on her husband – “to discredit them…and she did.”  MORE

14 Comments on Ed Klein: Hillary Clinton ‘Part of Rape Culture Herself,’ Must Address Health Problems

  1. Two psychopaths, both serial-enablers of the other.

    I wonder if the two have ever even had sex with each other. Yeah, I know they do, but look at Webb Hubbel and look at Chelsea. Spittin’ image.

  2. One would hope if one end is tainted, the other isn’t. .. in Hillary’s case… I had to stab my leg with a pen to prevent completion of that thought. Now I need to figure out how to explain the multiple self inflicted puncture wounds…

  3. She looks a lot like my brothers first ex wife who also was a scumbag who my brother should never have married back in the mid 70’s. What is it with the 70’s? Were we all that dumb back then with sex ,drugs, rock and roll,protesting Vietnam etc. Thank God I grew out of that and God intervened in my life to save me from that era. Believe me kids the 60’s and 70’s weren’t all they were cracked up to be and we don’t need to repeat the mistakes made back then by electing, shrillary, Bernie etc. Aging dumbass baby boomers and their equally dumbass spawn should know better but keep repeating the same mistakes and fawning over the wrong things like they did then. They’ll never learn from the mistakes of the past.

  4. No. I will admit that she looked quite presentable as First Lady. Blow-drying and ditching the Coke-bottle-bottom glasses were good things. She also had good fashion advice and dressed way better than Mooch.

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