ISIS fighter executes his own mother – IOTW Report

ISIS fighter executes his own mother

USAToday: Already notorious for its public and gruesome executions, a member of the Islamic State killed his own mother in front of a crowd in Syria this week after she tried to get him to leave the terrorist organization, according to reports.


The man, identified as Ali Saqr, 21, executed her in front of hundreds of people in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, according to theSyrian Observatory for Human Rights and another Syrian rights group cited by The New York Times.


h/t AN

20 Comments on ISIS fighter executes his own mother

  1. I don’t know why I should be surprised a muzzie would kill his own mother. They are not raised (and ‘raised’ seems far too genteel of a word for those depraved beings) to respect, honor or love females, whether they be their mothers, sisters, or daughters. The males are cultivated to murder. They don’t see the fairer sex created by God – to be a helpmate. They see ‘things’ to be murdered in the name of allah/satan. They are demon filled.

  2. Next month, he’ll assume the role of a lifetime: poor, timid refugee, fleeing violence and depredation in the middle east!

    After an cursory, politically-correct, multi-culturally sensitive background check by phone, he’ll be allowed to move to a town, city or neighborhood near you! If you are a taxpayer, you’ll also have the privilege of paying for his food, shelter and clothing – and probably the illegal weapon – with which he will kill you!

    Remember! Background checks for law-abiding Americans wanting to legally purchase guns is fraught with loopholes and risk, but a ten-minute “background check” of your local Syrian or other middle-eastern refugee, is iron-clad reliable!

  3. I own this book. Buy it, read it and pass it on. It’s a game changer for anyone who reads it.

    It goes through Muhammad’s life and follows his history through both contemporary accounts and the Koran. The illustrations, taken right from the Koran, are impactful.

    I’m surprised the author, Burleigh, hasn’t been attacked by one of these maniacs.

  4. I can see at least 2 possible effects of ISIS’ blatant evil: to thoroughly cow other peoples so they will surrender easily or stiffen the spine and realize there is no alternative to victory over these monsters. We can see which alternative Europe has taken. What about the U.S.?

  5. Is anyone one safe from this? One of the commandments is ” thou shalt honor thy mother and father”. How fucked up is a “religion” to kill the person who brought them into the world. This infestation needs to end otherwise humanity will cease to exist.

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