Steve Harvey announces Power Ball Winner… 32, 16, 19, 57, 34 and the Powerball 13 – IOTW Report

Steve Harvey announces Power Ball Winner… 32, 16, 19, 57, 34 and the Powerball 13

32, 16, 19, 57, 34 and the Powerball was 13

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22 Comments on Steve Harvey announces Power Ball Winner… 32, 16, 19, 57, 34 and the Powerball 13

  1. Update: I’ll figure it out that since this is DeBlasio’s city, the ball has got to be on the left. I just can’t figure out whether it’s my left or his left. That rules out the center.

  2. If any intelligent person won, they’d have to get a lawyer right away, pay off their taxes, and move to New Zealand, etc. Your phone wouldn’t be functional because you couldn’t call out because you’d have non-stop incoming calls. You’d need a new phone & phone #.

  3. A guy said to me once, seriously. what’s the big deal in winning six million dollars. you have to pay three million in taxes.
    I said, I’d do it with pleasure.
    He said I was crazy to pay three million dollars.
    I felt I was crazy just talking to this guy.

  4. Once years ago when the lotto was massive, 300 million +, I told my husband I would buy a Hummer to ride around in.
    His response – oh no that won’t fit in your parking space at work.

    Work? Work? WTF! He was serious. He thought I should keep working to get the maximum retirement. Fool!

    This jack pot I wasted an entire $6 on 3 tickets and didn’t win a dime.

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