Gov. Jerry Brown Opposes Union Ballot Initiatives – IOTW Report

Gov. Jerry Brown Opposes Union Ballot Initiatives

jerry brown moonbeam

Breitbart: Governor Jerry Brown shocked Sacramento on January 8 when he announced his opposition to two November union-backed ballot initiatives that would sell a $9 billion school construction bond and extend Proposition 30 tax surcharges on the wealthy.  

Brown made the comments at the budget press conference where he introduced his $173 billion state spending proposal for 2016-17. The plan calls for boosting K-12 education per student spending by 5.6 percent, $740 million for expansion of federal healthcare reform, putting $1.9 billion into a rainy day fund, and not increasing undergraduate tuition at the University of California or California State University campuses.  more here

1 Comment on Gov. Jerry Brown Opposes Union Ballot Initiatives

  1. The State of California wastes every dollar they manage to steal from Californians.

    Nobody in their right mind is going to vote for construction bonds to build schools for the illegal alien children.

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