Mr. Pinko says “You’re losing me Ted Cruz” – IOTW Report

Mr. Pinko says “You’re losing me Ted Cruz”

Ted Cruz… What da f*#k are “New York” values?

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73 Comments on Mr. Pinko says “You’re losing me Ted Cruz”

  1. Thank you for not talking about Cruz’s interview with Hewitt! What a bunch of malarkey that was! I think a lot of people are messing up their brands and Hewitt will have a hard time recovering after this cycle.

  2. New York values, hold some poor women with huge titts, sorry, breasts, hostage while you pretend that you’ve ever had a girl friend and are trying to find her. LOL. There’s other stuff coming out about Cruz that’s not positive. I guess we’ll see if it hold water.

  3. I’m from New York, and I’m not going to pretend I don’t know what “New York” values means.
    I agree that there are, indeed, “New York” values, which include progressives, upper west-side anti-Israel Jews, Big Union, Big Government types.

    Trump isn’t one of those. Never was.
    As much as Trump is going off the rails with his “birther” issues with Cruz, Cruz just went off the rails characterizing Trump as one of “New York Values ” crowd.

    They both better get their acts together.

  4. Trump never went off the rails. He’s not the one who brought it up but once it was brought up he played it like a boss. Cruz just alienated a lot of voters. That can’t be denied.

  5. Trump never left the rails because he’s never been on the rails in the first place. He’s a loose cannon and nobody knows what he will do if elected. He isn’t telling it like it is. He’s telling it like people want to hear it.

  6. Menderman, do your research brother. Trump was asked the question in an interview. He didn’t bring it up. Cruz is his numero uno competition. It was a slow hanging ball right over the plate. I for one hope these two are on the same side soon

  7. I’m from New York and I know what New York values are.

    But not every New Yorker is what the bigots assume them to be.

    And yes, I consider southerners who hear my accent and think right away “oh boy, here comes the New York Jew (yes, I’ve been wrongly assumed to be Jewish because I’m from the NYC area) to ruin our way of life,” bigots. Sometimes I feel like those assholes in Mississippi Burning.
    Meanwhile, you have the born and bred faggot Lindsey Graham (and there are LOTS of these types in the south, trust me, I’ve met them) who you can’t pin on the northern Jew invasion.

    So let’s not go down this road, and let’s just agree that Ted Cruz has made a big friggin’ mistake with this last misstep.

    He’s not going to gain votes with this strategy.
    It’s divisive on a much different front than Trump’s birther questions.

  8. Trump is the guy we need at this point in time. He doesn’t fall apart if you call him a racist. He can’t be bought off.
    He is a great business man.
    If your too dumb to see his value at this point in time. Nothing can be done.
    Cruz is none of the above. He is a professional politician.
    Cruz vs Obama would have been great. But not now.

  9. It actually proves the fallacy of central planning and why it can never work. We don’t need to be xenophobic, we don’t trust our fellow countrymen!

    (actually, that may be xenophobia on a micro scale…calling Uncle Al, please clarify!)

  10. @Fur– Sorry you’ve gotten this response from folds in Florida. Please don’t judge the entire South on reactions from Florida. They’re not really Southern.

    After all, they have no true Southern accent and they wear jeans shorts!

  11. I’ve heard just about everyone here rag on NY (And CA, by the way) about their governing style, the politicians, etc. Now all of a sudden it’s horrendous because somehow Trump is affected?
    Ok then.

  12. I’m not claiming to be better in this regard. My house isn’t clean. I have bigoted views.
    But so does the southerner who simply assumes if you’re from NY you’re a certain “type.”
    Do I take offense? No.
    I understand where it’s coming from. But it’s off base.

    Cruz just tapped into that, that you should be suspicious of New Yorkers, and I think it’s a mistake. Trump never ran in that crowd, even when he was a “democrat,” it wasn’t that stereotypical type.

    Is the Cruz comment a deal breaker? No.
    But I don’t think he should continue down this road.
    And neither should Trump with his “win at all costs strategy” during the primaries.
    People liked him attacking the left. He should stick to that. It helped in that it put a shovel to the concerns that he wasn’t right-wing.
    And Cruz can think of better things to attack Trump with than trying to stir up the “you can’t trust a northerner” bullshit.

  13. Better be careful Ted. How many New York checks are you getting?
    Have your accountant check out mine.
    There are a lot of decent people trapped in New York. I agree that there are a lot of scum in the cities, but not all are scum.

  14. Are you upset? I’m not upset. Is Pinko upset? Is Fur upset? I’d say yes for good reason. So if you can explain to them and a shit load of people in New York that Cruz was just getting even with Trump, then your good. Might want to try it out on Pinko first though. This fits in the general category of ” Really Fucking Stupid”.

    As a native Californian it fries my ass when people bad mouth my state so I think I can relate. Cruz just disenfranchised a bunch of voters. Fing stupid move.

  15. Every region of the country has another region of the country they love to hate, but the two states that people in the other 48 love to hate the most are NY and CA. Just the way it is (I hate those arrogant California tourism TV commercials). Cruz is looking at Iowa and New Hampshire, so insulting NY won’t do him any harm there. By the time November rolls around no one will remember. Full disclosure, I spent the first 20 years of my life in CA, last 40+ in OR.

  16. Akkkkk. at this point I don’t even know who I am replying to! But here goes anyway; I am both a NYer, and a “southerner”. Well, rural VA anyway, and this kind of shit pisses me off. Regional behaviors and mannerisms exist all across this country.

    Trump has never “gone there”, but others delight in that sort of thing.

    The citizenship thing? Trump didn’t advance that – the media did. Over and over. Now Trump just rolls it out there, cause heck, we know the media is going to go at him again with it anyway. It’s true.

    And I don’t care how much you hate “birthers” many, like myself, actually researched the topic carefully and thoughtfully for years. Frankly I am certain I could school most “legal scholars” on the damn topic. But I don’t go out here pushing peoples noses into piles of nonsense and insults to try to support “my guy”. I had no horse in the race when I began my research, and I wouldn’t do it if I had.

    But I know one thing for certain. I am a originalist. I will never vote for a person who was born in a foreign country. Call me whatever horrid names you would like, get it off your chests, but I will not do that thing. I never call those who support this guy or that guy any names, or cut them down. But it is my obligation to do what I know to be right, and to vote for a person who was not born in the United States is a thing I will never do. I have read too much to ever convince myself to do so.

  17. Let’s not kid ourselves – states have reputations, and California and New York, from a conservative perspective, do not have good ones.
    And I know when I go to the south my New York accent comes with baggage and I understand where the suspicion comes from.
    It’s up to me to prove that “I come in peace” (lol) and I have to hope the southerner is open-minded and gives me a chance.

    Cruz is saying to the southerner (that has an open mind, and who can support Trump), “don’t trust your lying eyes and lying ears, this is, after all, a New Yorker! Do I have to go on?”

    Who was it that, overnight, dismantled everything associated with the confederate flag?
    Was it a sneaky New York carpetbagger?
    Nope. Born and bred in South Carolina, Nikki Haley did that.

    Cruz’s tack is anachronistic. If he’s carving out a new southern strategy it’s a really dumb one.

  18. Personally, I don’t see this offhanded remark by Cruz as being such a big deal. Like many southerners, I’m used to being ridiculed for my accent by a variety of people that mistakenly assume that they are smarter or more educated than I am just because of stereotypes that people with southern accents are backward hillbillies I thought New Yawkers had “thicker skin” than to be so upset by such a trivial remark.

    I’m sure Trump’s worldview has been more influenced by “coastal elites” than it has by us poor rubes out here in flyover country simply because that’s where he’s lived most of his life and those are the social circles that he runs in. Is having “New York values” such a bad thing that it is considered a terrible slur if someone says it about you?

    This is a bit like being married to my ex-wife ……. if this remark by Cruz is the worst thing that happens to you today then you’ve had a pretty good day.

  19. I understand MJA’s point. Not too hard to follow.
    NY and Cali both have, for good reason, political reputations. We know it, and now that Cruz brings it up we’re going to flounce on the day bed denying that these stereotypes exist?

    Where I think Cruz is off track is that we know Trump. Trying to raise suspicion of him with the southerner by using the stereotype is weird.
    Trump isn’t the new guy that bought the bar down the road from old man Gumpers and everyone has to worry that it’ll be “that kind of bar.”
    Trying to tap into the “be suspicious of everyone above the Mason-Dixon line” is just plain dumb in my opinion.
    But I know what MJA is saying.
    Don’t act like the stereotype of the state isn’t real.
    It’s just that once you see the INDIVIDUAL from that state you shouldn’t try and use the state affiliation against them, facts be damned.

  20. NY people have long memories. I was born here, I am upstate in a very Conservative region, and I won’t take this sort of nonsense. obama has insulted us – every one of us Americans – since that POS walked into out Whitehouse. I will not take one more insult from any politician.

    I grew up in VA, and have lived all over the country. Born in NY, and back here for a decade until we can retire and move a bit south again. I Will Not Stand For Being Insulted Again. By any politician.

  21. I can argue that I think Cruz’s strategy is wrong and not be offended by it, or be “thin-skinned” about it.
    I want either Cruz or Trump to win.
    I come from a perspective of “don’t blow it, guys.”
    That’s all this discussion is.
    “It’s not personal, it’s business.” – Tom Hagen, the mick-kraut consigliere for the original Don.

  22. So your saying Cruz can feel free to insult Californians or New Yorkers because he has no chance in those states anyway, and the souths gonna rise again? Here’s the deal. That won’t play well in Arizona, Oregon, Washington, well any western state. Mean while I’ll bet money Trump ends up winning a couple liberal states.

  23. Ugh. I wish Trump would stop with the Ted Cruz birther stuff or frame it as a jokey jab between the both of them. *wink*wink*

    Lefties see it as payback for saying Obama was from Kenya…just stop it Donald!

  24. I will just give my two cents on what I think this is. I think it’s more of New York “style.” I used to work in a call center. There was a completely different way that New Yorkers would talk to us and treat us. They would anger quickly, get very upset when things didn’t go their way, and start yelling, swearing, and growing abusive more than any other people anywhere else in the country. This was hard for us California kids to cope with, because Californians are very easygoing, and we weren’t used to it.

    Now Trump has a very obvious New York style. He verbally abuses people like nothing we’ve ever seen. It’s horrifying and fantastic at the same time, but hard for some people to be comfortable with because they don’t understand it. If you are from New York, you are used to this. If you’re not, it almost seems a violation of basic human kindness and manners. This is where it seems to, but doesn’t really, fall into the category of ‘”values.” America is a big place with lots of different subcultures. We don’t all understand each other quite yet. Trump’s New York style is probably the biggest obstacle he faces in winning over the people from gentler cultures.

  25. The biggest problem Cruz has created for himself with this smart alec and careless comment is that it will create far more heartburn than fans for him. I don’t know why pols insist on going for unforced errors. It wasn’t a smart thing for him to do and I’m sure he regretted it the instant the words left his mouth. He wasn’t being smart about it and has opened the door, now, to all kinds of responses from Trump — starting with the Big Money NY donors who are bankrolling him. And if anyone is closer to the NY stereotype of thinking themselves superior in style to the average Joe mid-westerner it’s a guy who uses ten words (to school) when he could have used five (to relate).

    I’ve surely begun to wonder if Ted Cruz is playing it like “The Man From Hope”, “The Simple Peanut Farmer”, or some other “simple guy” persona — a completely disingenuous facade. And a typical pol tactic.

  26. There are a lot of people for whom Cruz is a very strong second choice — many more Trump supporters who would choose Cruz as a second choice than Cruz supporters who would choose Trump as a second choice. I just read the stats and I think Cruz supporters’ second choice is Trump. 18% of Cruz supporters pick Trump as their top second choice, while 31% of Trump supporters pick Cruz as their top second choice. Those numbers have held pretty steadily over the course of the pre-primary polling and it speaks volumes about Trump voters versus Cruz voters. That’s what Pinko means by Cruz is losing him.

  27. Thanks for that. I don’t see what the big deal is, really. Born and raised in California, I wouldn’t bat an eye if someone negatively referred to “California values.” I certainly wouldn’t take offense, knowing that California, like New York, is home to some of the country’s stupidest, most virulent leftists. Why would a conservative New Yawkah take that personally?

    Lastly, I’m not buying the argument that Trump didn’t do anything. If Trump had really wanted to remain neutral on the issue of Cruz’s eligibility, all he had to say was, “It’s not an issue to me. Next question.”

  28. TRUMP: “There is a question if Cruz is a natural born US citizen”.
    This doesn’t bother me so much because it goes a long way to INNOCULATE Cruz from the issue, should he be the nominee. In that sense, Trump is doing Cruz a favor.

    CRUZ: “Some say Trump is more of a Democrat.”
    This doesn’t bother me so much because, even if it were partly true, his most important PRIORITIES are mine as well. Reagan was a Democrat earlier in life. If Trump schmoozed that way to do business in “Dem Country”, so be it…that’s business.

    OVERALL, I thnk this is just some kabuki between these two, who have some sort of agreement whereby BOTH will come out on top…I hope Trump as President and Cruz as Supreme Court Justice (Atty Gen is simply too short).

    We’re blessed to have such a “problem”!!!

  29. I really don’t think it was Cruz’ intent, but out of certain other mouths (like Cynthia McKinney), “New York values” translates to “he’s a Jew Yorker.” And even though its not Cruz’ intent, it’ll be heard by a segment of the population as such.

  30. When Trump says he’ll continue ethanol subsidies, that single-payer healthcare is working great in Canada and Scotland, and that he’s fine with govt seizing private property “because that’s the way business is done,” he sure doesn’t share my priorities.

  31. If I could give you more than one thumbs-up, I would!

    By the way, my wife picked up on my hint and bought me a Molon Labe t-shirt by BFH for Christmas, and it is a thing of beauty. A quality t-shirt with a beautiful screening of his artwork. Thanks!

  32. Oh FFS, “Cruz insulted Trump!! Cruz dissed New Yorkers!! Wah, wah.” From what I’ve seen of Trump, he insults people right and left, including Cruz. Do you cheerleaders even listen to yourselves?

    As far as Cruz losing Mr. Pinko…that’s hilarious. When Mr. Pinko first started his all Trump all the time campaign, one of his major things was challenging people on who they would vote for if Trump got the nomination. I’m throwing the challenge right back. If Cruz gets the nomination, who would you vote for? Sounds like a lot of people here wouldn’t vote for him.

    And Grandme, I also have done a lot of research on the entire natural born citizen issue, and I think you are dead wrong.

    Geez, people. I’m starting to feel like I can’t even visit my favorite blog without getting pissed off anymore.

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