School replaces MLK Day holiday with seminars on racial identity, privilege, Islamophobia – IOTW Report

School replaces MLK Day holiday with seminars on racial identity, privilege, Islamophobia

island of white priv


New Trier High School, one of the nation’s top public schools located in Chicago’s posh North Shore, will not have the day off on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day unlike other schools in its district.

That’s because New Trier’s entire day will be devoted to “develop[ing] a deeper understanding of their own racial identities and the identities of others, and to better understand how we can all work to counter the impact of systemic racism in our lives,” according to the school’s website.


5 Comments on School replaces MLK Day holiday with seminars on racial identity, privilege, Islamophobia

  1. So, they are using the day to honor the man who said people should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin to judge people by the color of their skin. This is the upside-down, bizarro world of progressivism into which these morons are delivering their children.

  2. I got a seminar for ’em…. Where is the ‘Island of White Privilege
    , and where the fuque can I find it?

    …’cause, being White, all I’m privileged to do is pay for lazy-assed ‘students’

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