Coming Tonight: The IOTW GOP Debate Live Blog – IOTW Report

Coming Tonight: The IOTW GOP Debate Live Blog

Please join me, Aurelius, as I live blog the GOP debate tonight. Talk with your fellow readers, make jokes about how fidgety John Kasich is, and have your voice heard, starting at 9pm tonight!
Fox Debate

38 Comments on Coming Tonight: The IOTW GOP Debate Live Blog

  1. The excitement is, the excitement is….
    Cav’s and Spurs play at 8:00 PM EST.

    Not sure I want to see Johnny doing the St. Vitus Dance, however, I would like to hear Cruz and Trump.

  2. BTW, Trump is on my shit list. He tweeted yesterday about Ted needing to clarify his eligibility or drop out of the race. That is an asshat maneuver. He wan’t asked, Trump sent it out for the world to see. It reminds me of Rather and his fabricated bombshell as a way to defeat Bush at the last minute. It’s crap! I try to stay off the Trump/Cruz threads here because it gets ugly fast, but I can’t let this crap slide. It will come up at the debate tonight I feel sure. Trump sucks donkey schlong for going down that road.

  3. Well that’s odd. Didn’t Trump say last fall at the Stop Iran Rally that Cruz is eligible and not to worry because all the top lawyers checked Cruz out and it’s not a problem so on and so forth? It’s in print and it’s on video. Gee, what happened since then?

  4. Trump has been right about every hot topic so far. Cruz does need clarification from the courts. If Cruz would get the nomination, Obama and the GOP elitists will hold up the Nov. election process at the behest of their handlers if they don’t want Cruz. Or, if Cruz wins in Nov., he will not be sworn in until the courts make a ruling. That’s how they play.

  5. The left is still running stories about Bush V Gore and how Bush stole the election. The left is still running stories about Reagan having Alzheimer. The left is still running stories about Eisenhower’s tax policies. They don’t need fodder from the Republican front runner to sue or just be general asshats, their gonna do it anyway. Trump going down that alley is a blatant self serving pile of shit that he stepped into on purpose to bitch about having dirty shoes. I was all about Trump if he got the nomination, now I hope he falls down the stairs of his personal gold plated 757. He has proved to me that it is all about him, not the country.

    I will NOT vote for Trump if he gets the nomination unless he apologizes (publicly) to Ted.

  6. Is this how obummer gets his third term – Cruz wins the election and is not sworn in, and the courts are tied up for years?
    That would lead to a revolution….or martial law.
    That is indeed a frightening thought.

  7. Exactly. With every year that’s passed since Reagan, the left has become embolden. We need a spotless tough bastard who loves the U.S.A. as our nominee and also as president. I don’t care if he loves himself. As a matter of fact, so much the better. We have a messed up narcissistic self loather right now.

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