Obamacare May Force Doctors to Perform Sex-Reassignment Surgeries – IOTW Report

Obamacare May Force Doctors to Perform Sex-Reassignment Surgeries

DailySignal: You’ve heard about the Obamacare Individual Mandate. That’s the one that requires every person in America to get government-approved health insurance or face significant IRS penalties.

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You’ve heard about the Health and Human Services (HHS) contraception mandate. That’s the one that requires private employers, including religious institutions like the Little Sisters of the Poor, to help provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs or face millions in IRS fines.


Well, now Health and Human Services has a “Gender Identity Mandate” in the works. This one would require doctors and insurers to provide or cover “gender transition” treatments or face discrimination charges and loss of federal funds and Medicaid reimbursements.  more

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h/t C Steven Tucker

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