Were Joint Chiefs Of Staff Sending Message During SOTU? – IOTW Report

Were Joint Chiefs Of Staff Sending Message During SOTU?

How did I miss this?

joint chiefs giving obama the bird

h/t MTank

14 Comments on Were Joint Chiefs Of Staff Sending Message During SOTU?

  1. And a great big eff you to barry. Hey, barry’s been doing it to us nearly every time he speaks so turnabout is fair play. And both hands giving barry middle finger salutes is totally appropriate. I believe they all don’t have any respect for our chicken shit in chief and hate his guts for what he has done in destroying and emasculating the military.

  2. I understand that they’ve sworn an oath.
    I understand that they believe in that oath, and that they believe in America and that they believe in civilian control of the Armed Forces.

    I find it difficult to understand how one, WHO HAS THE WHEREWITHAL TO SALVAGE SOMETHING, can just sit and do NOTHING while one’s country disintegrates.

    Throw a fit.
    Bluster and bloviate.
    Make him fire (or retire) you.
    Resign – and be free to pursue “other” methods.

  3. I didn’t miss the attitude and commented on the iOTWr Shame of the Union Address thread the Joint Chiefs looked catatonic after Barry declared our enemies are no big deal. Now I wonder if they were just in submissive mode – afraid of their psycho boss. In any case, the tension was very apparent.

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