Ted Cruz digging a deeper hole – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz digging a deeper hole

A mock apology that has nothing to do with Donald Trump at all!

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27 Comments on Ted Cruz digging a deeper hole

  1. I hate to be the one to break it to ya Mr. P., but NYC ain’t the center of the universe for most Americans. However, it is entertaining to see all the New Yawkers revving up the outrage machine against an innocuous remark while proudly proclaiming how impervious they are to personal slights and insults.

    I don’t think this will hurt Cruz nearly as bad as the rabid Trump supporters think (hope) and it may actually end up helping him everywhere outside of NY if people keep trying to make such a YUGE deal out of it. I think the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot manufactured by the media so they have something to fill the 24/7 news cycle with and a lot of people are falling for it.

  2. Trump still winning despite Cruz’s poor attempt and inadvertently insulting all New Yorkers / Yankees. Cruz fucked up and is still back peddling instead of moving forward. The bigger problem is the Dems bringing up the citizenship crap. Republicans failed to make it stick with Obama – Dems have more media power to make it a problem for Cruz.
    Plus Cruz is not that far from “NY Values” when his wife worked for Goldman Sachs. Cruz loves those NY $$$.
    Bad move by Cruz. Trump still winning.
    If either Trump or Cruz makes it to the White House, America wins. Trump has the much better shot in the general election.
    Trump / Wall 2016 – SCREW the GOP!

  3. Isn’t the election of Wilhelm DiBlasio a great indicator of NYC values. This was after Weiner’s run for mayor and before that, three terms for a progressive Mike Bloomberg who thought he was given the power to do whatever the hell he wanted to. Where do you think that tin pot dictator mentality came from? Surely it wasn’t from”flyover country”.

  4. 16 year old pre 9/11 video.
    A lot of NYers “values” (including me and including Trump’s) changed after 9/11.
    When that video was shot, Cruz was a Canadian citizen. 😉

  5. Hey don’t worry about it. Cruz and Rubio are getting sued by some birthers. They’ll both be disqualified by some lib judges and then we get to pop some corn and watch Trump put on his cape and try to debate the murdering ice queen who hasn’t been so much as bruised by any lawyer or court for her deeds. I hope he’s the hero you feel he is.

    God help us. Seriously.

  6. I share your sentiment MJA. My worry is that Trump’s rhetoric is just another “wrasslin match” with Vince McMahon and that he won’t follow through on the things he has promised during the primary campaign. Just a little kayfabe theater as a means of gaining the ultimate position of power.

    I could live with him being pro-abortion, and even to a large extent being a proponent of big government (and he is both of these and more that are contrary to true conservative values). What worries me is that once he gets past the primaries that he might backpedal on building a wall, deporting illegals and everything else he has campaigned on that could turn America around to going in the right direction again. Given a choice between him and Hitlery or Bernie, Trump would still be better, but America would be doomed anyway.

    As you said, God help us.

  7. Swap “conservative” for “republican” and I’d agree with you. And therein lies the problem …….. far too many lying, power hungry republicans campaign as conservatives, and once they are elected they show their true liberal / progressive colors. True conservatives don’t have to stab anyone anywhere because their ideas are the sharp edge of the knife.

  8. This slap to Cruz and his best supporters wasn’t 17 years ago it was in December 2015 and you didn’t hear Cruz or Cruz supporters whining about it. This was a YUUUGE slam to Cruz and his supporters. To act so tough a lot of Trump supporters sure act like babies.

    Trump noted that he has a positive view of Cruz but told the crowd, “I do like Ted Cruz, but not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba.


    When will Trump apologize? Yeah I didn’t think so!

  9. It is true that a vast part of the country is not as impressed with the assumed New York values as those in the Big Apple seem to be. In fact, it’s quite the opposite and this bickering and whining isn’t making it go away. I’m up here in Montana reading all these comments, and loving the creativity that flows like lava from my conservative brothers and sisters in the USA. Yet I wonder why the hell we aren’t focusing more on taking the damn country back with the best candidate(s) possible. Canada, New York, hell yeah, doing right matters but from way up here it looks like the mofo in the peoples house in D.C. is more a citizen of a moozlum cave or an African village than he is of this country and yet his lemmings flock around him like cheese.

  10. Obviously there are conservatives, and good Americans in NYC.

    But, in consideration of the politicians elevated to office in, and statewide by, the city, I’ve not considered it to be a part of my country for many years.

    Sorry BFH, Mr. Pinko, etal., but I’ve always considered you guys to be ex-pats living in a strange foreign place, agents provocateur behind enemy lines as it were.

    I’m sure you love it because it’s home, but I think you’d learn to love Texas pretty darned quick.

  11. This is just another facet of the flawed Cruz diamond. He opened himself up to withering scrutiny with his lawyerly non-apology apology. This man is already dead politically from 2 verbal kill shots: Canadian dual citizenship, FEC campaign finance disclosures “mistakes”. The New York statements are just keeping Cruz in the spotlight to marinate and sow the seeds of doubt in people who may have been leaning to him and to educate people about Cruz’s background they would not have known.

  12. “I share your sentiment MJA. My worry is that Trump’s rhetoric is just another “wrasslin match” with Vince McMahon and that he won’t follow through on the things he has promised during the primary campaign.”

    I recall Trump saying that the 4 Americans held captive in Iran would be released before he was even elected. Well, that’s one promise he’s kept.

  13. Based on the media attention and discussion, it was not so much a dog whistle (nice liberal term) but more of a Klaxon. Everyone one heard it loud and clear. Potential benefits:

    1. Everyone is now talking about Ted Cruz because of something he said (sounds like a Trump Tactic)

    2. New York will never, never, never, never vote for Ted Cruz, so he is isolating them as “different” than those who would.

    It may backfire, but I really do not think much of the Country is offended by this. New York and California are hard to defend as a conservative.

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