My year of terror and abuse teaching at a NYC high school – IOTW Report

My year of terror and abuse teaching at a NYC high school

the battle for room 314

NYP– […]Two weeks in and Boland was crying in the bathroom. Kids were tossing $110 textbooks out the window. They overturned desks and stormed out of classrooms. There were seventh-grade girls with tattoos and T-shirts that read, “I’m Not Easy But We Can Negotiate.” Their self-care toggled in the extreme, from girls who gave themselves pedicures in class to kids who went days without showering.  more

28 Comments on My year of terror and abuse teaching at a NYC high school

  1. Re-segregation is the only answer.
    You might not like it, but at least that system worked and some kids received an education but most importantly the education of blacks did not interfere with the education of whites.
    The existing system serves no one but the race pimps.

  2. You cannot solve the problem of savage animals acting like savage animals by imposing more money and more liberalism on them.
    Each one of those animals needed to start the day with a good caning to wipe that smug grin off their face, but only after the principal was caned first, of course.

  3. Start with one kid at a time. Send one of the ferals to a real school where the students want to learn. Let him set in the middle near the front. When he acts up the whole class can laugh at him. Shame can be learned and he will eventually learn that his life now will not tolerate his old behavior.

    Either that or give up and put the kids in a building with padded walls and let them be for 7-8 hours a day.

  4. My dad is now pushing 80. He said when he was very young and in a rural class full of large-ish farm boys of varying ages and dispositions, an older sub came in one day. The man said not a word as he took off his coat, unholstered a pistol and laid it on the desk. Class proceeded as intended.

  5. This is all very familiar territory to me. New York City Family Court serves a disproportionately poor population–potential clients of better means hire attorneys to craft out-of-court agreements.

    Not surprisingly, I blame a combination of liberal overlargesse and bad parenting. The Great Society reforms of the LBJ era did no one any favors. Far from eradicating poverty, they turned poverty into a multi-sociotoxin: prior to that, you could be poor with dignity. After? Poverty stopped being exclusivelty about having no money and started to be, as well, about being violent, abusing drugs and alcohol, committing crimes, and other louche behaviors. The parents respect no one, including themselves, so expecting the children to show respect might not be reasonable.

    I could never be a teacher in an inner-city school. I would smack someone. Maybe a student, maybe the principal, but certainly someone.

  6. “A Year of Living Dangerously” or “I am Stuck on Stupid” would have been a better title.
    Last paragraph summed it up: More money, more unions. Boland learned nothing from the year and the ‘students’ even less.

  7. It’s either that or what? Continue down this path we’ve been on for 50 years? I don’t know why anyone expects the blacks with IQs, 1-2 standard deviations below whites to be able to learn at anywhere the same rate.

    They’re different from us in a 100 different ways and removing them from their evolved tribal culture in Africa, exposing them to the myriad of opportunities in a white, civil society has not worked. Face it, they are for certain millions of good black people in our country but that leaves 35-40 million of hopelessly unintegratable people. People that frankly, you do not want living in your town.

    If you’re not aware of the one sided race war being waged on white America right now, you’re hopelessly ignorant.

  8. “Boland ends his book with familiar suggestions for ­reform: Invest more money, recruit better teachers, retool the unions, end poverty. But there’s no public policy for fixing a broken kid from a broken home, or turning fear into resilience, or saving kids who can’t, or won’t, be saved.”

    Why waste resources on lost causes? Investing more money in a hopeless cause is stupid and pointless – unless you are skimming a percentage, I suppose.

    Giving better teachers to these lost urban youths is worse than useless – give them the most incompetent teachers, it will make absolutely no difference to them. Send the good teachers to teach things to children that actually have a future, children that will actually benefit from having a good teacher.

    Retool the unions? WTF does this even mean? The teacher unions are irrelevant to this problem.

    If you really want to eliminate these issues, pay the girls in these areas to get surgically sterilized in 6th grade. The most shortsighted of them will be done in one generation.

    The problem can’t be magically ‘fixed,’ but it can be made to cease to exist. Pruning hopelessly diseased branches off of humanity, is far better than allowing the disease to spread and kill the whole.

  9. Back in the 50’s they made a movie called “The Blackboard Jungle.” Glen Ford acted as ax GI teacher in a tough school. It was a left wing POS where the white guys were the bad guys and the black guys were good.
    It’s only gotten worse despite the Billions of dollars thrown at it.
    Now you expect an open homosexual who writes a book to make a difference?

  10. Right is Wrong, is wrong. Billions have been given to education. Just that it’s been misused. And, I might add, God has been thrown out of our schools. We need more Christian Brothers with quick fists and leather straps to straighten this mess out. Assholes who throw 110 dollar texts books out a window and throw ipods at the blackboard need to be keelhauled and asskicked. A pox on Dr. Spock and liberalism.

  11. “Assholes who throw 110 dollar texts books out a window and throw iPods at the blackboard need to be keelhauled and asskicked.”

    Ahhh, that not gonna work my friend. They need to be removed from our WHITE civil society. Or vice a visa.

  12. First, there is supposed to be separation of church and state, therefore introduction of God into public schools is unconstitutional. Second, the insinuation of using violence against children is reprehensible. Also, compared to other advanced countries, the US doesn’t spend near enough on education. It spends too much to fight Bush’s wars for oil.

  13. @ wrong
    Troll much?
    $14,000 for 9 months of Ed per kid, and lot of places higher in cost than that.
    The separation of church and state you speak of was never meant to keep God out of the classroom, it was simply that government could not make any religion the law.
    It seems to me the answer is do away government Ed, it has failed, compared to private education or homeschool which runs circles around what the government does for 4 to 8 times as much money.
    Let each community build their own system and let each individual pay for their own kids, thereby through competition guaranteeing quality for your money which we do not have now.

  14. I’ll give you credit, you cram more stupid into a few lines than anyone I’ve seen.
    1. No, it isnt.
    2. Corporal punishment isn’t violence. It worked successfully for hundreds of years.
    3. Dozens of studies prove there is no correlation between money spent and success in education.
    4. Not Bush’s wars anymore; they belong to O. And where is the oil, dumbass.

  15. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I could write a whole dissertation for a response to this article but I will make three points:

    1.) A Liberal just got mugged by reality, again!

    2.) It’s easy to spend other peoples money!

    3.) I have the perfect solution to all the problems illustrated by this teacher. Close down the school and destroy the building. When the ‘yutes come in the morning and see that their school no longer exists, tell them that they can now play in the street or better yet, give them a map to some nearby liberal burb and let them become their problem!

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