Sanders gives Hillary the evil eye during the Democrat Debate – IOTW Report

Sanders gives Hillary the evil eye during the Democrat Debate


h/t GatewayPundit

Snip: And it was his GOOD eye, too.
He’s serious!

20 Comments on Sanders gives Hillary the evil eye during the Democrat Debate

  1. I watched about the same. It was actually like a Saturday Night Live sketch: almost comical, but not physically worth laughing at.
    It makes me feel like I’m in an alternate reality when I watch these socialists argue over who can give away more free stuff and pay for it with Hedge Funds, Wall Street, and the richest Americans.

  2. Agreed Brad, they are indeed a bunch of whacko-birds!
    I could stomach a few minutes at a time.
    It was incredible!
    Unicorn Utopia!

    NBC had a little love-fest going on.
    Hillary was stoned on prescription narcotics.
    O’malley said that global warming would provide 500 million jobs!
    That crazy old fart kept telling the moderators to get off his lawn…

  3. Just had a friend say she likes how Sanders is going after the big $. Wtf? Her son plays on a youth football league that my cousin’s big $ sponsors! Damn dumbasses! Told her so. Still waiting on reply.

  4. O’Malley on guns:

    ‘You don’t need an AR-15 to shoot a deer.’

    Just where does the constitution mention hunting? 2A is necessary to the security of a free State, not to defend ourselves from deer. He couldn’t pass a 6th grade civics test. And he was the best one on the stage!


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