DWS: We Don’t Want to Keep Pulling our Candidates off the Campaign Trail – IOTW Report

DWS: We Don’t Want to Keep Pulling our Candidates off the Campaign Trail

We Don’t Want to Keep Pulling our Candidates off the Campaign Trail – DWS Reason There Aren’t More Dem Debates.

debbie wasserman schultz and joe biden

Yeah, that’s the reason Debbie…
TheRightPundit: CNN’s Brain Stelter just GRILLS DWS on the Dems having so few debates–
And when they do debate, it’s on some obscure network or it’s aired on a Sunday night when there are (deliberately) few viewers.
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10 Comments on DWS: We Don’t Want to Keep Pulling our Candidates off the Campaign Trail

  1. When pressed for further detail Debbie “Walleye” Schultz replied “because our voter base has the collective intelligence of a small fat dog therefore we must keep up the steady drumbeat of lies and spurious claims in order to stay fresh in their wandering minds. It is also important to stay on the campaign trail because so many of them are shooting each other down in the streets of our larger cities so we must constantly be in recruitment mode to replace those recently capped, potential multiple voters. Besides, it takes some doing to get those taken out by their own kind registered to vote in different districts. In sum, this shit takes time!”.

  2. She really truly believes that the voters on her side are really truly that stupid because they really truly are.

    I can’t WAIT until Trump starts live tweeting about her.

  3. It’s Marketing 101. The product is terrible – either HRC, Sanders or O’Malley – but that’s the only product the Democrats have. Millions of potential voters only care about any candidate that has a “D” beside their name, so absolutely no effort needs to be made to buy these votes other than make sure they get to the polls. The target market is independents and Democrats who may either switch or stay home in disgust. When American Motors was still in business, a certain number of consumers would buy an AMC Pacer regardless of performance or looks, but the goal was to bambozzle otherwise normal people into purchasing this piece of crap. The same principle is at work here.

    So from a marketing standpoint, it is dangerous to expose any of these candidates in any forum which cannot be absolutely controlled in order to control the image. Although the debate format is somewhat controlled, there is a risk in any debate that one or more of the candidates will go off the rails, show who they really are, and harm the image that the DNC is trying to promote.

    People expect debates, so a few have to be scheduled because from a marketing standpoint, having no debates is worse than rigging the debate system. But the goal is not to promote any policies or positions, but to minimize potential political damage. It is dangerous for the general public to see who these people really are, so these opportunities must be managed, controlled and minimized as much as possible. The Democrats are trying to sell an AMC Pacer to the American public, and non-managed exposure to that product only makes this more difficult.

  4. i’d bang debbie in a pacer.

    i can picture it now, deb breathing hard, her big ass pressed against those large windows which are all steamed up.

    oopps, gotta go. my heart can’t take so much sex.

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