Karl Rove is an idiot with an agenda – IOTW Report

Karl Rove is an idiot with an agenda

Just watched Karl Rove’s analysis of the Republican race. He said the race can change drastically at any moment and pointed to his white board and compares this year with 2012. Rand Paul was leading at this same time last primary, with Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney – blah, blah, blah.
Karl – your analysis STINKS. You omit the fact that Trump has been leading for SIX MONTHS!
Hopefully Trump and Cruz knock out all others (and not each other) ASAP. Stick that up your ass Karl Rove.

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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27 Comments on Karl Rove is an idiot with an agenda

  1. Screw George Will and Karl Rove. I want to see Pinko’s pixelated face on the Sunday morning shows. And I want to hear sharp commentary like, “stick THAT chart up your ass, Karl”.

  2. Always wanted to ask Rove, showing his math on that damnable whiteboard, exactly how Republicans will be elected without conservative support when every time we vote for one, they flip us the bird and do whatever Obama wants.

    I guess that’s called carrying The Won.

  3. Karl is just trying to be relevant today. Last I heard, no one returns his calls for donations to his PAC.

    Squandering +$300MM+ of other peoples money in the 2012 election cycle, and failing to deliver Romney, pissed the donor class off.

  4. Karl is setting the stage for backstabbing the voters, and Trump. at the convention – where they really, really, really, want Jeb to be crowned – regardless of what the voters want.

  5. I recall the night Romney lost the 2008 election. Long after all other experts correctly declared Ohio for Obama, Rove insisted Ohio was not lost, pretty much shooting Rove’s credibility all to Hell – on national TV

  6. hey yall, lighten up on good ole karl.

    now, you won’t make any money as a campaign advisor telling your candidate he can’t win.

    the bush family and their donors are still a cash milk cow for those deep dc insiders.

    they don’t call jeb, george’s slower brother for nothing ya know.

  7. Second the motion for Karl to put his whiteboard where the sun never shines. The whiteboard can keep his head company, as his head has been there for a looooong time.

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