‘Person Overboard!!!’ – IOTW Report

‘Person Overboard!!!’


The Navy Caves To Militant Feminists.
It’s Now ‘Person Overboard’.

COTR: That’s it. I’m done. Pack up the rocketship, kids. We’re leaving the planet. It’s over.

According to this, the Navy is officially doing away with traditional terms and titles because they’re “not inclusive” enough.

They’re sexist, and that makes them BAAAAAAAD. Terms like “midshipman” and “man overboard” have been criticized because you could have a midshipwomanor a woman fall overboard. How DARE you exclude women from military service and falling off the side of a ship? more

24 Comments on ‘Person Overboard!!!’

  1. When the Navy started becoming pussified several years ago, I scraped the Navy Veteran sticker off the back of my F-150.
    I’m proud to have served, but no longer advertise it.
    I have also stopped flying the flag since 0bama was elected. It was either that or fly it upside down.

  2. The USCG trains MOB drills with dummies thrown in the water (service wide) that are named Oscar, which is also the flag flown during MOB.

    Are we going to change the flag and dummie’s name now from Oscar to Pat? How about renaming it Obama? He’s a real life dummy. I’d like to throw him in the water.

  3. I am a female, but I am so sick of the feminazi/man hating BS, I can’t even listen to female singers right now. If a female singer comes on the radio I have to quickly change the station or just turn it off.

  4. Gladys…Total agreement!!
    I can’t stand to go to the grocery store anymore. All the BLM followers must wait till they think I’ll be there and then show up!
    I’ve NEVER been prejudice before but thanks to Bozo…
    And I do not like feeling like this towards anyone. Jerk!!

  5. If I was 19 now like I was in 1972 draft or no draft I wouldn’t join the Navy or any of the other Military services while is obummer is presidunce. He has totally fucked up what was the best Navy in the world, no way in Hell would I volunteer now. I despise the bastard and what he has done to my Navy and the rest of the military. Even Jimma Carta wasn’t this bad.

  6. I knew 2 guys commissioned out of Annapolis back in the 90s, and BOTH of em left the Navy because of the “gender” bullshit.

    So this stupid shit has been going on for decades – just gotten worse under Obola.

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