Germany Lost Track Of Over HALF A MILLION Migrants – IOTW Report

Germany Lost Track Of Over HALF A MILLION Migrants



ConservativePost: To make migrant matters worse in Germany, the German government has admitted not being able to account for 600,000 out of 1.1 million migrants who entered the country last year.

The ‘lost’ migrants are raising serious concerns as they might have fled to other European Union (EU) countries secretly.  more

13 Comments on Germany Lost Track Of Over HALF A MILLION Migrants

  1. And no one sees a problem with this minor oversight, eh. If I may ask (rhetorically), what has happened to the German people? German men? Are these people disarmed to the point of defenselessness? Gun control works so damned good if you’re a mooozlum swine; you and a few thousand of your swarthy maggot friends can descend on a 1st world nation and have your way like Pee Wee Herman in a theater.

  2. Here’s a plan. Everyone in Germany who gets any kind of welfare should be sent checks a bit short of the normal amount. Don’t answer phone calls or letters about it. Then have squads of immigration control people waiting to check papers when the leeches show up at the local welfare office. That won’t get all of them, but sure would be a big step in the right direction.

  3. This would not have been a problem had they irradiated the moose limbs coming in. The best way to keep the camel out of the tent is to punch it in the nose when it sticks its nose in the tent. Once the camel is in the tent, there ain’t no way to get it out, but you CAN use the tent as a bag and beat the camel like a pinata in view of other camels in the hope they take the hint.

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