Ted Cruz asked about Amnesty in Iowa – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz asked about Amnesty in Iowa

In Iowa, Senator Cruz Dodges 4 Times On Question Of What Constitutes Amnesty

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63 Comments on Ted Cruz asked about Amnesty in Iowa

  1. Actually Hambone, I just want my country back. I most likely come from a hugely different vantage point than you. If you want Cruz cast your vote. But you better vote Trump in the general.

  2. Both Trump and Cruz have started mealy mouthing on immigration. It’s very simple – enforce the legitimate immigration laws passed by congress as they stand right now. Give anyone here illegally 30 days to pack / sell their crap and leave. Those that don’t, round them up, take their fingerprints and DNA and deport them immediately with the promise that if they attempt to reenter in the future they will be executed. Problem solved.

  3. Yea, Mealy mouthed Trump. Fing unbelievable. Cruz is just another God Dam Attorney. Period, end of story. Vote your limited mental abilities in the Primaries, vote Trump in the general. Or your a fing communist.

  4. Brad – I’m sure you’ve seen dumber posts – check your history. Trump said a week or so ago that he would be in favor of a “touch back” provision whereby criminal invaders can go back to their country of origin, fill out some paperwork and return as a “legal” invader. I want a wall without a door in it.

  5. Right now, my vote is with Cruz. The media always asks the questions on the most absurd as the standard. Will you deport the families of the children of US citizens?. Like what about abortion in the case of rape? question It’s disingenuous to phrase the position like that and Cruz is right to dodge the nightmare that is proposed as the standard and instead respond with “enforce the laws on the books” The president doesn’t legislate new laws anyway.

    But we know Trump is a liar. He gave $200,000 to Hillary’s slush fund. He is on record as being for abortion before he was against it. He has real serious credibility issues.

    But you better believe I will pull the lever for Trump if he is the nominee. And or rather but I believe him on immigration. And I am past fed up with the Republican backstabbers.

  6. That’s not what he said Einstein. I’m out. Argue with somebody else. And as far as my former posts, your last out eclipses anything I’ve ever posted, no matter how drunk. Are you employed by the a National Review?

  7. Brad – if you insult people simply because they disagree with you, it is only fair play for them to return the favor. I see no need in personally attacking someone for their opinion.

    The post as anonymous with the link to the “touch back” plan was me. Don’t know why it posted as anonymous.

  8. @Anonymous
    That Marc Thiessen article is so disingenuous. Kicking out illegals and letting them have the opportunity to come back LEGALLY is NOT AMNESTY. It’s called a LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM.

    It’s called enforcing the immigration laws we have now WITH a WALL IN PLACE. Sends a Hyoooge message to illegals and they will self deport. Biggest problem in America fixed.

    Which candidate has a better solution?

  9. I was anonymous. Ehy is every article that questions anything about Trump disingenuous? Does existing law stipulate that part of deportation is to be able to come back in immediately, ahead of those trying to get in legally? For all intents and purposes, “touch back” IS amnesty – calling it something else doesn’t change the fact that criminal invaders can return immediately “legally”..

  10. Sending them out and allowing them to apply for entry is not the same as just letting them back in. Anyone can apply for entry, but not everyone will get in. With a wall, at least our southern (and most leaky) border will have control over who is trying to get in. And it’s not just Mexicans, as we all know, it’s every stripe of ISIS and drug trafficking, too.

  11. Oh kiss my butt. I’ve seen you post some pretty savory stuff too. But that’s fine class sweat heart. Here’s the deal. Review what was posted.. Non of it accurate. It’s like a bad episode of he said she said. I got an idea. Stick to comments or positions that are verifiable. I’m out.

  12. So I guess your brothers the smart one. He’s probably voting for Trump


  13. Brad – When personal insults are all you have left, you’ve lost the argument. Why are all you Trump guys so surly? Why personally attack everyone that doesn’t swoon over Trump in the primary?

  14. This has been a very interesting argument against Trump. The main problem with it is that it is a claim made by Cruz, not by Trump himself. It is a stump claim made by Cruz in Iowa in order to degrade Trump’s own statements about enforcing current immigration laws (which clearly state that if you are here illegally, you cannot remain here) and confuse Iowa’s caucus voters over the issue by coining a new anti-Trump phrase “touch back amnesty.”

    This is politics as usual from a politician. I’m sure Trump will set the record straight on social media and through the press.

  15. As a refresher…

    * Elected November 2012
    * Took office January 2013
    * Fought ObamaCare February to Sept 2013 (essentially no issues with him through those nine months)

    * October 2013 – Cruz modifies his relationships within the Senate and joins NRSC and begins giving money from his leadership PAC to GOPe operatives.
    * January 2014 – Cruz announces he will not support any challengers in ’14 mid-term elections.
    * March/April 2014 – Cruz supporting Mitch McConnell.
    * June 2014 – McConnell’s full back-stabbing reaches sunlight over McDaniel in *Mississippi and protection of Thad Cochran.
    * July/August 2014 – Cruz says he doesn’t support McConnell any longer, yet remains on NRSC.
    * December ’14 Post election announces he’s leaving the NRSC.
    * Feb/March ’15 Meets with Paul Ryan and constructs road map for Chamber of Commerce requested, TPP trade deal.
    * April ’15 Pens open letter promoting TPA with Paul Ryan
    * May ’15 Creates “Fast Track” trade rider to attach to TPA changing vote threshold for approval/disapproval to simple majority – thereby insuring its passage. Also votes down amendment requiring congressional notification prior to China/Russia joining deal.
    * May ’15 Becomes first candidate to announce presidential bid.
    * June/July ’15 – Votes against his own TPA bill (cover) even though the rider he created insures its passage.

  16. He answered the question on Amnesty and it was the correct definition. The video seems highly edited by MSNBC who are completely biased and anti Conservative. It looks like he had enough of her and went to somebody else and skipped her Citizenship question. IOWT Report and MSNBC are misleading in saying he dodged the question. He answered it.

    We all know where he stands on Citizenship. He inserted the “poison pill” into the Gang of Eight amnesty bill that stated the amnesty bill would remove the citizenship aspect from the bill. That killed the bill because the establishment wanted amnesty and citizenship. So Cruz has not dodged these questions.

  17. As a conservative constitutionalist with a well paying job and 2 young daughters, I have a lot of skin in the game and I’ve been for Cruz since the beginning.

    What do Trump people say about Trump being for socialized medicine and having the govt cover everyone?
    What about being 70 yrs old and now all his policy views and govt views change all of a sudden in a view years? The Reagan argument doesn’t hold water because that was a diff Dem Party back then.
    What about all the big time liberal politicians he has funneled money too and supported financially and in his words?
    What the supreme court justices he would nominate? I don’t trust him to nominate conservative constitutionalist.
    What about his 2nd amendment and its real purpose to push back against a tyrannical govt? Does he believe that?
    Trump is for big govt from socialized medicine to eminent domain.

    I think all this big talk on immigration his a sales job and it will not come to pass or it will partially be done. There are no fruits in his history that say he is a conservative. Standing up and talking forcefully about illegal immigration and refugees wins a lot of points with conservatives. But what about all the other things that are important to the country.

    He is a deal maker and a salesman. Be careful. We need a conservative constitutionalist and Trump is not one.

  18. This is a hit piece. Now go find the unedited clip and show it to us, mkay?

    It’s shameful that you would post an MSNBC hit piece on one of the top republicans. This kind of stuff will get Bernie elected.

    Your claim that you like Cruz is becoming very unbelievable.

    This kinda crap just drive a bigger wedge….is that your goal?

  19. Now back to the “Wall” The Rio Grande is 1600 miles long. It has lakes, ponds, reservoirs, boat docks (both sides) and river front houses on both sides, just were is Trump going to build that wall? In the middle of the river? A few miles on either side? It has to be on our side if we are to control it, so is Trump gonna eminent domain the entire Texas/Mexico boarder?

    The “Wall” is nothing but fluff for mouth breathers to believe in. It’s fake, it phony, it’s not the solution.

    Cruz is right, enforce the laws, deport the illegals if they don’t come forward and get right with the law. Add more boarder patrol, and more aircraft (planes, choppers and drones) use biometric data for all that are caught and jail the repeat offenders!

    Get it through you skull! There will be no “Wall” from the Pacific to the Gulf, Got it?

  20. Now back to the “Wall” The Rio Grande is 1600 miles long. It has lakes, ponds, reservoirs, boat docks (both sides) and river front houses on both sides, just were is Trump going to build that wall? In the middle of the river? A few miles on either side? It has to be on our side if we are to control it, so is Trump gonna eminent domain the entire Texas/Mexico boarder?

    The “Wall” is nothing but fluff for mouth breathers to believe in. It’s fake, it phony, it’s not the solution.

    Cruz is right, enforce the laws, deport the illegals if they don’t come forward and get right with the law. Add more boarder patrol, and more aircraft (planes, choppers and drones) use biometric data for all that are caught and jail the repeat offenders!

    Get it through you skull! There will be no “Wall” from the Pacific to the Gulf, Got it?

  21. I can’t read the opinion piece with out signing up, but it is in the opinion section.

    I listened to Pinko on the ASK show last night whining that all the Cruz people do is post anti-Trump stuff, and that helps nobody. He said he wants to see pro-Cruz stuff, not anti -Trump, and his very first post was a blatant anti-Ted MSNBC edited his piece by the most leftist cable network that has ever existed.

    Y’all pro-Trumpers need to follow your own guidelines and post Pro-Trump instead of anti-Cruz…..mkay.

  22. Trump supporting establishment Republicans and Anti Tea Party PACs

    So there is concern that a current or former lawyer for McConnell is running a Super PAC that promotes Cruz.

    Yet no concern for Trump funding establishment campaigns and Super PACs that are anti Tea Party. Much less the support for liberal candidates for decades.

    He taps into one or 2 topics that the Tea Party is in favor of and all of a sudden he is the best conservative ever. Ignoring all historical data points and hoping that he does what he says on these 2 topics is not what I’m wanting. You have to judge a person by their actions and history. I’m not buying the sales job and don’t trust him to fulfill all the conservative topics that we find important.

  23. Posting Cruz’s OWN WORDS is NOT ANTI-Cruz. If you think it is, you have to question your candidate.
    Trump is neither the Messiah or the Anti-Christ.
    If Trump builds a wall and enforces immigration I’m happy. If not, vote his ass out and we’re back in the same boat we’re in now.
    This time I’m voting for the non-politician’s promises instead of a politician’s promises.
    I respect your passion. You are a patriot.

  24. What “Cruz Words” are we talking about?

    Cruz has stayed true to his promises he made running for the Senate and has fought the establishment. He has stood up to Democrats and establishment types in his own party. Calling out your majority leader of your party from the Senate floor can’t be anymore anti establishment. Then Trump says that is nasty and Cruz is vile.

  25. Just because somebody worked for McConnell doesn’t mean their own Super PAC will give to candidates that McConnell approves of. I don’t think you can jump to the conclusion that this is a McConnell Super PAC.

    McConnell despises Cruz and Cruz stood on the Senate floor and called McConnell a liar, so there is no way McConnell want Cruz to be Prez. The establishment types are beginning to side with Trump so that should scare Trump supporters.

  26. What data do you have that Cruz is for Amnesty?
    That is hilarious.
    He added an amendment to the Gang of 8 Bill that removed the citizenship aspect from the bill. This was a major reason the bill died because the amnesty people wanted the citizenship clause. Cruz exposed them on that front.

    So when you make a statement like that, you need to provide evidence because he has never been for amnesty.

  27. In all the interviews I have seen with Cruz, he wants effective walls where possible, but wants increased security and reconnaissance where a wall is impractical That 17 second clip is another out of context manipulation of Ted Cruz’s position on boarder security.

    Tromp just says “Wall”. “Big beautiful Wall”, “With a Big Beautiful Door”. And never elaborates.

  28. Pinko:

    That longer clip still had several edits, but he did answer the question. Do you want all immigration stopped? If a non-violent 28 year old employed college graduate is here with out papers because his parents brought him here when he was twelve, should he be arrested, deported and marked as “Can Not Return”? Or should he be offered a path to citizenship?

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