Morris: I Left When Hillary Hired Secret Police to Go After Woman Victimized by Bill – IOTW Report

Morris: I Left When Hillary Hired Secret Police to Go After Woman Victimized by Bill

dick morris interview secret service and hillary

Friday on OraTV’s “Politicking,” former advisor to President Bill Clinton, Dick Morris said it was then-first lady Hillary Clinton’s “Nixonian” attempt to attack the woman Bill Clinton victimized and sexually harassed by hiring detectives to dig for dirt in their lives Hillary could use against them to smear their character.  more at Breitbart.

12 Comments on Morris: I Left When Hillary Hired Secret Police to Go After Woman Victimized by Bill

  1. The only reason Morris is still alive is that he has video and or audio of some very nasty stuff on these two pigs. If/when he or his wife ‘commit suicide’ the tapes will be released.

  2. Morris is a shill for the Clintons and the democrat party.
    I remember how he touted Romney in 2012 and gave hundreds of pro-Republican speeches in 2012 on Fox news.
    Swore up and down that Obama was finished in 2012.

    Funny thing….He hasn’t been seen since.
    Wonder why?

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