Greta Fox POLL: Without Trump 83% Say They WILL NOT Watch GOP Debate – IOTW Report

Greta Fox POLL: Without Trump 83% Say They WILL NOT Watch GOP Debate

From Gateway Pundit

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26 Comments on Greta Fox POLL: Without Trump 83% Say They WILL NOT Watch GOP Debate

  1. This is some indication to me that the American electorate isn’t really interested in choosing a principled leader to steer our country back towards the Constitution (that not necessarily being Trump, for that matter) – they just want to be entertained until a better app pops up on their iPhone.

    I guess America just isn’t really suffering enough, yet.

  2. I think it’s because a majority of people already know who they are going to vote for. That candidate is Trump. If the man we want to vote for is not in the debate, why bother watching the clown show?

  3. SO MANY problems to fix re America, its electorate, the media, the abject criminals in government who operate without fear, …. where does one start??

    This one debate is a good time for Trump to say a long needed F.U. to the rat traps that are “debates”.
    Remember Candy Crowley? The moderators do matter. The types of questions do matter. On the basis of what she’s done prior, Megyn should be doing swimsuit calendars, not debates. Why not have her question Hitlery or the Bern ??

    Trump CAN and should tell this new FOX to pound sand, and if he didn’t, he would look weak.

    Think back on an angry Reagan stating “I paid for this microphone”.

  4. “This is some indication to me that the American electorate isn’t really interested in choosing a principled leader to steer our country back towards the Constitution”
    Tsunami – you are EXACTLY RIGHT. The majority of people in America haven’t even READ the Constitution.
    You have to get back to Constitutional principles inadvertently. That’s why I support Trump. The biggest attack on our Constitution is OPEN BORDERS, FLOOD of ILLEGAL immigrants. And Trump, the populist, will get us back on the path of restoring our Republic by a GREAT BIG WALL (paid by Mexico) and enforcing Immigration laws. Then we’ll be back to the path of Conservatism, Constitutionalism.
    You think the average Lofo American wants to be preached to about the Constitution or vote for the shiny squirrel?
    We get our country back through a populist not a purist.

  5. …”This is some indication to me that the American electorate isn’t really interested in choosing a principled leader to steer our country back towards the Constitution “….

    This comes to you now?

    Closed borders, pro life, pro second amendment, doing away with Obamacare, ditching common core, bring jobs back talk is finally what is getting the attention of huge numbers of right leaning thinkers.

    Since when does debate after debate after debate really fix a thing? Political groupies always did watch, and the rest voted anyway. Now, thanks to Trump, greater numbers of people are participating in the process. I say its a good thing

  6. The hubris of FNC and their so-called “kill shot” strategy once again blows up their faces like a cheap cigar. One cannot help wonder if they are making their decisions using an ACME Crazy Eight ball.

  7. Mr Pinko, in addition to your point, if Trump doesn’t show up, this may be the perfect opportunity for Cruz and the other candidates to stand and shine. But the questioners I think do not hold rightward stances, so even then will be
    tough for all of them.
    F the left!

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