Cruz Wins Iowa – IOTW Report

Cruz Wins Iowa

With 97% of the vote in, Ted Cruz has gained 28% of the vote, with Trump garnering 24%, and Marco Rubio at 23%. IOTW Report can now project that Mr. Cruz will win the Iowa caucuses.
Cruz 00

75 Comments on Cruz Wins Iowa

  1. so ….
    Cruz gets 10 delegates
    Trump gets 9 delegates
    Rubio gets 9 delegates
    Carson gets 1 delegate

    On To New Hampshire!!!

    (Comrade Bernie gets 22 delegates… same as Hitlary)

  2. Ted Cruz, a great GOP candidate. He gets off to a great start. On to New Hampshire where the frontrunners will further hone their platform.
    Let’s not get crazy.
    We are light years ahead with our frontrunners than we have been for the last 30 years.

    Divided we will fail.

  3. Jeez
    Mr. Mxyzptlk. We share in common more than the love of pistols. Screw this crap, meet you at the range. I don’t like Cruz. Might have something to do with Magnum. I’ll vote Rubio long before I’ll vote Cruz. But ai will vote for the last man standing on our side. Unlike Magnum.

  4. Ted Cruz overcomes an unprecedented onslaught of attacks, including a virtual kill order from the governor himself, to get the most votes ever in an Iowa Caucus in an 11-person field. Not only that, Cruz took
    on Trump and slayed the dragon.

  5. And you are a major contributing factor. Exactly how much bull shit do you think the average guy can endure. Come on, you quote parody sights to promote your infatuation. So you’ve accomplished something. You’ve totally alienated this voter. Run back and tell Teddy. He’ll probably kick your ass and then pray with you.

  6. 2 points that I know will be heavily ignored on most “conservative” websites.

    1. Cruz and Trump, the anti-establishment candidates pull in 52% of the vote.

    2. The Republican caucus had over 160,000 votes. The Democrat caucus had less than 10,000 votes*

    * As of 11 p.m. EST. Source:

  7. Gee, I thought “nobody likes Cruz” once they get to know him? Iowa got to know Cruz pretty damned well, and they like him better than they like you, Trump. Okay, I’m through gloating. Oh, wait. If Trump had won, he’d be calling Cruz a “looser,” right now, so…

  8. Said it before, I voted Romney and didn’t stay home. Don’t know anyone who did but my people still get blamed.

    I’m gad it’s Cruz, but would’ve absolutely voted for Trump.

    BFH, a humble suggestion: from here on, please perma-ban ALL who say they’re staying home. We should no longer have to hear such pointless noise. Far too much is at stake now…everything, in fact. If there really is still a chance, this is it. Dispense with them — their status is officially now that of trolls.

    Just a thought.

    PS I’d have suggested the same if Trump came out on top.

  9. There’s going to be a lot of rehash about who did what right and who did what wrong. Trump did great tonight! He spent so incredibly little on the ground than any other candidate and Cruz wound up with only 1 more delegate. Cruz bused ground troops in, filled up empty college housing (“Camp Cruz”) and probably rented vans to pick up caucus goers. Robert Mercer’s and Tony Neugebauer’s money bought him a lot of votes tonight. And if that runs out, there’s more coming from Wall Street. Congratulations on your win, conservatives.

    A win for Trump would have been super, but it’s not imperative and if you compare the money spent against the downside, he came out ahead.

  10. If Cruz is last man standing I will hold my nose and vote for preacher boy and hopefully avoid hearing his non stop sermons on TV for the four years he will be president. Yes I will reluctantly vote for Cruz, right the name Magnum on my heavy bag, and the name Mrnderman at the bottom of my toilet. LOL

    Except, he will never beat the Democratic candidate. He’s polarizing.

  11. Thank you for a football comment!….The wild card is Cam Newton, he has to be contained, but the Broncos have an exceptional defense…The Broncos also have to run the ball, 125 yards rushing and they win if they can shut down Cam just a bit….there, I’m better now….I have purged the political vomit out of my head…Thank you again….

  12. I personally think that either of them (Cruz or Trump) can beat the democrat in November regardless of whether it is Hillary or Bernie (or an “emergency” candidate if Hillary actually is indicted – yes, I’m a dreamer). But for those that say Cruz just can’t beat Hillary, many polls say that he can even if the election were held today.

  13. Yes! He told voters the cold, hard truth instead of pandering to them, and he still won, by gaining their respect. Who’s more like an establishment politician, now?

  14. Looks like a loss for Trump but as a non-politician in one of his weakest states it’s not a complete loss. For the first time in his life people have actually voted for him. It’s real now.

  15. David Burge

    Trump says he wants to buy a farm in Iowa; wife says “New Yorlk is vere a vant to stay”

    Hillary and Bernie race still turkey-neck-and-turkey-neck

  16. I agree with Brad, I don’t trust Cruz, I think he’s another Rubio in disguise, Both Rubio and Cruz will allow the illegal aliens to stay in this country, The wall won’t be built between us and Mexico and once again we are left with a politician that’s been bought and paid for by special interest groups. So, please explain to me how that is sooo much better? I can’t wait to read the B.S. your about to post..

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