National Debt Now Tops $19 Trillion – IOTW Report

National Debt Now Tops $19 Trillion

dollar money shock face

At this rate the national debt should be right about $20 trillion by the time Obama leaves office. That will be double what it was when he took office.

– More @ LonelyConservative

22 Comments on National Debt Now Tops $19 Trillion

  1. Money will become completely digital. Barter will be illegal. Buy a shovel from your neighbor, and you will pay sales tax while he has to show it as income. Black markets will become the new “speak-easy’s”. Next, your bill of groceries will be controlled. “Sorry mister. You’ve had too many Cokes this month.” These card readers for smart phones aren’t being sold because they like us. I’m sure we’ll all be amused at what the new currency will be called. Bernie Bucks? Farrakhan Francs?

  2. Based on history, we need another president like Coolidge to reduce the debt by 0.03%. He has reduced it more than anyone. We would move from $19,000,000,000,000 to $18,994,700,000,000.

    That’s the best history says we can do.

    The debt was reduced under these presidents (only):

    John Adams (-0.000004%)
    Jefferson (-0.0001%)
    Monroe (-0.0002%)
    John Q Adams (-0.0001%)
    Jackson (-0.0004%)
    Pierce (-0.0002%)
    Grant (-0.003%)
    Hayes (-0.0004%)
    Arthur (-0.002%)
    Cleveland (-0.0008%)
    Harrison (-0.0006%)
    Harding (-0.02%)
    Coolidge (-0.03%)

  3. Obama will have more than doubled the debt in 8 short years. More debt than every other President in the history of our country combined. It amazes me that the American people have not risen up. How can we expect to survive as a country if we can’t even submit a budget. Both sides of the aisle have failed us completely.

  4. And if you want the debt to double again, just vote for Uncle Bernie. The cost of his hare-brained schemes has been calculated at……wait for it……$19 trillion!

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