OREGON: Prozanski abandons controversial gun bill – IOTW Report

OREGON: Prozanski abandons controversial gun bill

Register-Guard: Measure would have barred some people suspected of mental illness from buying guns for 30 days.

Sen. Floyd Prozanski OR-D

SALEM — Sen. Floyd Prozanski, a Eugene Democrat, on Monday abandoned a controversial gun bill he had introduced, citing a lack of time to adequately craft the policy in the 35-day short legislative session.

The unusual step came before the bill, Senate Bill 1551, even received a public hearing in the Capitol. But the long-shot proposal already had angered gun advocates and GOP lawmakers.  More

h/t Doc

6 Comments on OREGON: Prozanski abandons controversial gun bill

  1. It would probably be stricken down by some court later anyway, for having a disproportionate impact on Democrats…but then again, they commit most of the shootings, so it might be very effective!

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