CONFIRMED: Clinton Put CIA Lives at Risk – IOTW Report

CONFIRMED: Clinton Put CIA Lives at Risk

hillary clinton shrugs

At a minimum, valuable covers have been blown, careers have been ruined, and lives have been put at serious risk.

12 Comments on CONFIRMED: Clinton Put CIA Lives at Risk

  1. Non-official cover. We don’t admit they work for us; they don’t say they work for us. These agents commit to that before taking on a mission. From Wikipedia

    “Agents under non-official cover do not have this “safety net”, and if captured or charged they are subject to severe criminal punishments, up to and including execution. Agents under non-official cover are also usually trained to deny any connection with their government, thus preserving plausible deniability, but also denying them any hope of diplomatic legal assistance or official acknowledgment of their service. ”

    I am really pissed off. These folks are our frontline heroes,

  2. Why doesn’t Trump show us how he cares for America, by bringing a lawsuit against Clinton? Lord knows there seems to be an abundance of REAL evidence.

    How about a wrongful death suit for Benghazi? Good Lord, if congress is so bereft of cojones, that they won’t DO SOMETHING, then Trump should direct his talent for vitriolic attacks at Clinton’s illegal and possibly traitorous activities.

    That would be useful.

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