Limbaugh: Rubio “A Legitimate, Full-Throated Conservative,” a “Disciple of Ronald Reagan” – IOTW Report

Limbaugh: Rubio “A Legitimate, Full-Throated Conservative,” a “Disciple of Ronald Reagan”

Interesting. Make of this what you will:

40 Comments on Limbaugh: Rubio “A Legitimate, Full-Throated Conservative,” a “Disciple of Ronald Reagan”

  1. Rubio took up w/McCain et all who were gang fucking all true Americans. He’s a man who will forever be known by the four-flushing, backstabbing, snake in the grass, dry shaving somnabitches he hangs out with.

  2. Even Reagan admitted that amnesty was a mistake. However, getting snookered by Congress really stiffened his spine when it came to foreign affairs. He did not let that error allow him to be viewed as weak.
    My main issue with Rubio is that he seems easily bowed by peer pressure, second is his disastrous position on amnesty.

  3. Not to put too fine a point on it, but fuck Rush Limbaugh and fuck Marco Rubio; I will no longer vote for the lesser evil. That choice is still evil.

    If this flop is the choice foisted upon us by the GOPe, then yes, I will not go to the polls (for the first time since I have been able to vote). Yes, BFH, I will not vote. Let it burn, patriots will pick it up on the other side (or not…).

    If the ballot box is stuffed…it would be time for the cartridge box. Make your “hundred head” list now. Plan ahead. WTF, the deficit is $19 TRILLION anyway.

  4. Rarely do I disagree with Limbaugh, but, this time it’s a doozy.
    Whatever Rubio’s stance on every other issue is, The Gang of 8 bill was amnesty with no wall. That is horrendous. That is the antithesis of everything this election is about for me.

    That throat is filled with something, but it’s not conservatism.

  5. Other than the “Gang of 8” thing, I think Rubio is fantastic. I really believe he will be president one day. He is sharp, good looking and passionate and generally a conservative. His amnesty position is not as bad as Trumps Eminent Domain position. Rubio gets 2 strikes for working with Schumer et al, ED is worth 2.99 strikes.

    Now, let’s clear the air, many on the left are questioning the eligibility of Rubio. Should we address this now, or let Trump do it?

  6. When I heard that tripe from Rush, I immediately sent him an email link to a profile of Scrubio and all of his shortcomings.

    Shortly after I sent it, Rush asked for email on the subject, saying he was checking it. We’ll see if changes his tune tomorrow.

  7. During these debates, has anyone heard the terms Surplus, Positive cash flow, Higher interest rates, or Sound money and monetary policy? If you have, can you name the candidate? 7 Trillion dollars added under Obama in 7 years… well, we better elect someone to deal with the shitstorm. And as far as I’m concerned everyone is looking the wrong direction with every single candidate on both sides.

  8. “Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, said he believes that President Barack Obama’s first executive amnesty for so-called DREAMers—the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)—is “important” and he won’t reverse it himself if elected president. He delivered these remarks in a Spanish-language interview he gave to Univision’s Jorge Ramos.”

    From a piece by Sundance at The Last Refuge, originally posted 4/15.

  9. I understand. But remember, spending is my number one issue, not immigration. We curtail spending and cut the free shit, and immigration will drop dramatically. Only peeps that wanna work will take the risk of coming here. Remember the old saying: “Follow the Money”.

  10. heard Trump talk about the deficit repeatedly, & just not in the debates …. spoke about it tonight …saying that it was criminal that the present politicians are talking about lowering the deficit ….’in 25 years’. Trump said he will start lowering it in his first term

  11. Yes, I have heard Donald Trump talk about these and other economic issues on the stump. The first FBN debate hosted by Cavuto and that woman from the network also asked questions of the candidates. You’ll have to go back to that debate to see what was asked and who answered.

    Trump brings up the debt and deficit, the federal budget, trade imbalances and the cost of big gov’t all the time. Obviously, he isn’t going to do the deep dive at a rally, but he expresses great concern for how we are a debtor nation and what a cliff edge we’re hanging off of. Of all the candidates, he is the only one who has a lot of personal skin in the game on our U.S. and global economic issues. No other candidate forced the conversation on currency manipulation and how it has screwed our competitiveness in the global market.

  12. Rush is a great guy. He is good at what he does.
    if you look at it from the viewpoint of triangulation and agitating his audience to keep them focused it actually makes sense.
    Don’t forget that he came out for Hillary before Soetoro got elected.

  13. @JohnS:

    You are on to something. I get the feeling Rush is very much anti-Trump, but won’t say it. A good way to defeat him is to promote Rubio and Cruz (and Carson).

    I really get the feeling Rush is all in for Cruz, but saying so can hurt Cruz.

    He is talking about having to revive “Operation Kaos”, and this time because of an old white socialist!

    Hard to believe, huh?

  14. Rush is a martini republican who has close establishment RINO friends. For a while now he’s been signaling elites how unpopular they are and in danger of being taken out by the restless hoards of “outsider” conservatives occupying fly over country.
    Trump or Cruz seem to fit the bill as outsider candidates. Rubio is less threatening to elitists given the policies he’s supported maybe that’s why he gets Rush’s semi-endorsement.
    I’ve listening to Rush since 1989 and really enjoy it. I give him credit for attempting to be impartial and courageously exposing the evils of the left, but his true loyalty may be with the establishment.

  15. Sorry I am not voting for Rubio. He looks like he has a mild case of Down Syndrome and he has a speech impediment that gets on my last nerve. Oh and the amnesty thing really pissed me off.
    I’m turning to a misanthrope as I get older.

  16. The thing about Rush is he’s at least acquaintances (if not friends) with about half of the DC Beltway. He doesn’t want to lose their friendships or connections with him. They may be fodder for future shows of his.

  17. Right on cue the rebellion has been squashed by the Karl Roves and the John Mccains. Trump did not crush the opposition so therefore we must retreat into obedience and hopelessness to our RINO masters. Gee, it could be so simple. No anchor babies means no welfare for illegals . Adult illegals can’t get welfare UNLESS they have successfully spawned in this country. Take away the amendment to the 14th amendment that has been totally distorted and the illegal immigrant crapfest that is currently raping the working class of the US goes away. NEXT secure borders so every Tomas, Ricardo and TERRORIST can’t get here. WOW such a simple solution. So because Trump did not win by triple percentage points ALL IS LOST and we must succumb to the establishment RINO candidate backed by The Chamber of Commerce and the Koch bros. FUCK THAT

  18. I sure hope “NIdahoCatholic” is reading this thread!

    He said he visits iOTWr often but only first posted on the “Cruz-Body of Christ” thread…he says he is a “true conservative” who is for Rubio.

  19. I am reading thread. Amnesty aside, (and I hate it as much as anyone here), based on what evidence is Trump “Conservative?” Things he’s said since running for office? Saying Trump is conservative is like saying Obama is brilliant. No evidence for either, just feelings. Feelings are for Leftists. Evidence is for Conservatives.

    Rubio is NOT perfect. Neither is Cruz, Carson or any other of the current lineup. Flaws aside, we need to unite behind whoever is nominated, to slow the Prog agenda. Note I said slow. It cannot be stopped by mere votes and the “right” politician. The rot in this nation runs deep, and not only in the .001% oligarchs. Our real problem as a nation is a moral one. No president can fix that, only each one of us manning up and doing the right things in our own personal and family lives.

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