Financial Scandals Trail the Loathsome Hypocrite Bernie Sanders.

sanders if you have 20 dollars


Responding to one of Anderson Cooper’s softball questions, socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT)told the CNN Town Hall on Wednesday night that he lives a frugal life and indicated that he doesn’t care about money or status. “I have a small Chevrolet,” he said. “It is one of the smallest Chevys that they make.” He said it was about five years old.

But James O’Brien, a political consultant and former publisher of Campaigns & Elections magazine, says the career politician, who has been a mayor, member of Congress and U.S. senator, has achieved the financial status of a millionaire.

O’Brien has analyzed the financial status of Sanders and his wife, including their financial disclosure report, and has concluded they have a net worth in the range of $1.2 to $1.5 million, not the $700,000 or less that is usually reported by the media.



  1. There are two likely scenarios with Mr. Sanders. #1: He makes everyone millionaires, or #2: He takes all the money from the millionaires.

    In either situation, everyone ends up with the same, or statistically equivalent to Zero.

    What’s more likely is his friends will always have the dollars before the rest of us get them — The number of dollars in this scenario is irrelevant.

  2. So, how does a career politician with no other skills become rich? Oh yeah, silly me, they fucking steal it from people who earn it. Or stupid, white guilt fucks give it to them in an attempt to absolve their white guilt. Say, I thought socialists were for making everyone equally poor and miserable? Oh, silly me again. I bet if anyone came after his money there would be an altertaction the likes of which would be of legend – with wails of “its not fair!” and “l’ll sue you!”.

  3. His net worth isn’t big even if it’s $1.5M.

    What strikes me about both of them is that they’ve never worked anywhere but for government. They are street stupid and you can bet your ass that without the political ear of a Bill Clinton, that combination would make Obama/Jarrett look like sound money managers.

  4. When you account for his home, savings, pension, no $1.5M isn’t a huge net worth. He makes ~$150,000/year as a senator and has been in Congress forever. His wife worked as an administrator in college and had to have made in the low 6 figures. So them having a net worth of $1.5M is certainly NBD.

    Just by being frugal and investing in real estate, I was a multi millionaire in my 40s. Funny thing is my business, a large art glass studio in which I employed a dozen people, took in 100s of 1,000s every year and usually broke even!

    He’s a far cry from a lot of politicians that go to DC relatively poor and come out worth many, many millions like Harry Reid.

    Sanders is lot of things but if you’re going to try and paint him as using his position to personally enrich himself, then I’d have to say he’s doing a piss poor job of it from the numbers reported in this article.

  5. Name one socialist leader or union boss (same thing) that is paid the same as their citizens or workers.

    Stalin? Lenin? Mao Zedong? Salvador Allende? Dilma Rousseff? Fidel Castro? Hugo Chavez? Nicolas Maduro?
    How about the Teamsters, AFL-CIO, Teachers Unions, Operating Engineers, etc., etc.
    Or how about Bernie Sanders? $1.5 Million.

    Socialism is run by the elite who are above the tenets of socialism.

  6. Yes the whole Bernie net worth thing is just a typical media cover-up. Any search you do shows him at the $700k quoted. They also all show O’Malley with a net worth of $0.00. Those are some you can rely on. And remember Hill is just like us, broke and barely getting by.

  7. Socialism is a scheme by which the great unwashed masses live in abject poverty and despair while the socialist nomenklatura live as grand viziers – masters of all they survey.

    Any contrary view is based on either ignorance or mendacity.

  8. The point being, that Bernie, the Great Committed (and he SHOULD be “committed”) Socialist, should be worth no more dollars than the average student that adulates him – essentially, $0.00.

  9. Bay-rack Oclinton
    February 8, 2016 at 10:27 am

    They want us all to live in high rise caves in Mesa Verde just like our ancestors from way way back!”

    Seriously doubting the part I put in bold.

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