University Students Told to Seek Consent Before, and While, Kissing – IOTW Report

University Students Told to Seek Consent Before, and While, Kissing

kiss lip print

MRCtv: As evidence of the emasculation of men and coddling of society, students at the University of Southern California were handed out forms with instructions on how to properly seek permission before kissing someone in order to avoid committing what is now considered sexual assault.

The College Fix reports USC conducted a “kissing booth” as part of a “consent carnival.” The kissing booth involved handing out Hershey’s Kisses with instructions taped on them about what is considered consent:  MORE

23 Comments on University Students Told to Seek Consent Before, and While, Kissing

  1. This inanity on the one hand and on the other, muslim pedophiles raping children because of their perceived ‘sexual emergency’.

    Yes indeed. The world has so gone crazy and it is proof that common sense escaped the ozone .

  2. Liberals are reaping what they have sown.

    I’ve heard the theory that feminism is actually Penis Envy on steroids. Now they will need steroids to grow their own.

    Guys are getting too risk averse to even look at, let alone touch or (god forbid) kiss a gal.

  3. Gunny,
    What I was thinking. The PC Libtard FemiNazis are going to be VERY lonely, wondering what happened, wondering why they aren’t being (fill in the blank: kissed, dated, laid, engaged, married), and wondering what to do next to try to satisfy that unknown and unfulfilled longing (with a metro) (without a MAN).

  4. Make them wear goddam bicycle helmets during waking hours. Maybe they’ll push back then. Probably not.

    I guess if you want to feel her boobs, she has to sign the 1,000-page Affordable Caress Act.

  5. Do the fags have to get permission to suck each other’s dicks?
    Lick each other’s asses?

    Do the moslems have to get permission to rape? What if the toddlers are under the age of consent? What if the goat doesn’t speak English or Arabic?

    Does this apply to Professors and their students, as well?
    “How’d you like an A in Monkey Spanking 101?”

    Seems a tad ‘constraining’ doesn’t it?

  6. Will it turn around for the better? HELL no, more gadgets and tech to fill those voids, rest ASSURED!
    And horny desperate people all over the place, only concerned with ONE of the 4 loves; Eros.
    Aldous Huxley, you suck man.

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