The Plastic Bag Challenge – IOTW Report

The Plastic Bag Challenge

bernie sanders plastic bag challenge

h/t Molon Labe Industries

15 Comments on The Plastic Bag Challenge

  1. This could happen! I just saw on Drudge that Hilda the Hagabeast is likely to end up taking as many NH delegates as Sanders because of insider “super delegates”. ROFLMFAO, zero honor among thieves!

  2. Now available in 8-packs for the whole Liberal family !

    (Individual bags not sold separately. Not available in stores. Not recommended for Conservative women who are pregnant, might become pregnant or ever were pregnant. See your psychiatrist to find out if the Bag Challenge is right for you.)

  3. Great Bernie’s supporters are playing ” drycleaners”.
    You know, the game where they all put plastic bags over their heads and the last on to smother wins.

    Maybe Hilliary’s supporters will play too!

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