Obama’s State Department is now officially part of the “vast right wing conspiracy.” – IOTW Report

Obama’s State Department is now officially part of the “vast right wing conspiracy.”

hillary 3 investigations

As her email scandal continues to roll along, we’re now learning of yet ANOTHER investigation associated with former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Today it’s being reported that the United States Department of State issued a subpoena to the Clinton Foundation last fall. MORE @ hannity

7 Comments on Obama’s State Department is now officially part of the “vast right wing conspiracy.”

  1. These aren’t investigations as most people conceive the term; these are more “investigations” to obscure, obfuscate, and deflect attention from KNOWN criminal actions and to delay information from being ingested and understood by the wider electorate.

  2. So, how many investigations is it going to take before people conclude she is a lying, thieving, power mad man hating bitch intent on becoming president solely because she has a vagina?

  3. Under obama’s Department of Just-us , Crime rarely involves Investigation, Investigations don’t lead to Indictments, Indictments don’t lead to Prosecution …. particularly when it involves a democrat presidential candidate named clinton.

    Lois Lerner approves this message.

  4. Saxindacity where in the heck did you find that old CBS stereo New Christie Minstrels LP. It’s even more politically incorrect (but still fun) than the song Please Mr. Custer. Bring the fun aspects of the 60’s back where we could make fun like this and no one was offended. No one and especially progtards can take a good ethnic joke anymore nowadays. Progtards are bunch of humorless pussies. That album cover could’ve almost been used by The Firesign Theater, just saying.

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