Alinsky Isn’t The Source Of Democrats’ Strategy – IOTW Report

Alinsky Isn’t The Source Of Democrats’ Strategy

gramsci marxist


TheLid: The Democrat Party is being led by an obscure Communist named Antonio Gramsci. The full implications of a socialistic worldview cannot be ascertained in a country dominated to some extent by capitalism. Socialists, like their kissing cousins the Communists,
are thieves. They live off the capital of others. When the capital runs out, they are left with Cuba and North Korea.

Socialists are like termites. They are indiscriminate in their choice of wood to satisfy their voracious appetites. By the time you recognize that termites have invaded your house,  more here

9 Comments on Alinsky Isn’t The Source Of Democrats’ Strategy

  1. Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were his knee-pad disciples! Piven is still alive and on the America-hating, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Constitution-stomping, race-baiting, lawless, weak, flat-footed, phony-baloney, plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob’s Speed-Dial along with other assorted Communist reptiles!

  2. An out-of-state friend saw this at her local TEA Party meeting a few years ago and recommended it highly.

    Agenda: The Grinding Down of America

    It starts with Gramsci and includes all the fractured “coalitions” he advocated, including PETA and the NAGS (Nat’l Association of Gals).

    It’s loaded with gems. Did you know because of the Gramsci infiltration that desk arrangement in schools went from individuals in rows to “groups,” to promote the collective and not the individual? This was also meant to foster group projects over the individual as well.

    If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth the $$ and the time.

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