Cruz, Rubio Reject Barack Obama’s “Neighborhood Engineering” – IOTW Report

Cruz, Rubio Reject Barack Obama’s “Neighborhood Engineering”


Fitsnews: U.S. Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida have agreed to support legislation sponsored by U.S. Senator Mike Lee of Utah that would block federal funding for Barack Obama‘s “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rule.

Now if only U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina would follow through on his plans to put this “rogue regulation” under the microscope via congressional hearings …

Promulgated by Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this onerous rule would effectively put the federal government in charge of local zoning laws all over the country.
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8 Comments on Cruz, Rubio Reject Barack Obama’s “Neighborhood Engineering”

  1. Barky and Big Maw are counting on affirmative action in housing. I’m sure they’re worried that they’ll have a mighty hard time finding anybody willing to sell to the likes of them in any neighborhood that doesn’t have a lot of gang murders and 24×7 police sirens.

  2. Czar, I follow the treehouse. The anti-Israel stance did not just appear overnight. Aside from that issue and it having turned into a Trump campaign site it has, in the past, been a good source for in depth analysis of events. I truly hope that after either the election it returns. Until then it will be the Huffington Post on the right.
    By the way, what is Trump’s position on the issue that started this thread?

  3. Charlie
    The anti-Israeli comments are far from the core of the site, it is just something that has popped up occasionally as was pointed out in this case.
    I am of the opinion that Sundance is not just one person due to more issues than just this one. I don’t present that as criticism, rather an explanation.

  4. For everyone excusing Sundance, answer one question, why is he so anti-Cruz to the point of lying and posting false information about him? I’ve read Sundance’s comments where he admits to being a birther and you just saw proof he’s a white supremacist. Sundance hates Ted Cruz because he’s Hispanic. Shame on conservatives for supporting a hate monger!

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