Obama Will Not Attend Justice Scalia’s Funeral – IOTW Report

Obama Will Not Attend Justice Scalia’s Funeral

NBC/DFW: President Obama will not attend Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral on Saturday, White House Press secretary Josh Earnest confirmed on Wednesday.

The White House said Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will visit the Supreme Court on Friday to pay their respects as Scalia lies in repose.  more

35 Comments on Obama Will Not Attend Justice Scalia’s Funeral

  1. Absolutely classless but not surprising. I would be interested to see if he would attend the funeral for Ginsburg. If it weren’t for the fact that he would nominate a younger version (that would poison the court for 20-30 years) I would pray for her demise so we could compare apples to apples. Unless that happens we can only assume he would attend the lib’s funeral.

  2. Everything he does is a symbol and sends a message. He is classless, petulant, and complete partisan that can’t pay any respect to anyone with differing views.

    This is why he blasted the 9 justices after inviting them to his state of the union, it was a symbol and him showing them and the world his disgust at the conservative justices that voted for Citizens United.

    The congress gives him deal after deal without a fight and the next day his is blasting them.

    I remember reading about a conversation between John Locke and Obama on guns and gun control, while they were both at Chicago university. Obama said, “youre the gun guy right”. They started talking at first and when a debate started to ensue Obama wouldn’t engage and basically said youre wrong and I’m right. He can’t stand any sort of debate.

  3. Obama’s in a no-win situation here. If he doesn’t go, he’s a classless jerk (no real argument there, BTW). If he goes, then he’s a self-serving hypocrite, using Scalia’s funeral as another political photo-op, so he’s screwed either way.

    That being said, he should still go, if only as a sign of respect.

  4. Classless partisan that is unable to give respects to anyone of differing ideology which shows his disdain for the type of govt we have. If you are not of his ideology you are not worthy of his respect.

    Didn’t the WH send representatIves to Mike Browns funeral. So the WH is only paying a little bit more respect to Scala by sending VP as a dope smoking, theif, that trid to kill a cop.

  5. Obama would acknowledge Judge Scalia’s passing with a pointed middle finger to the heavens while blinking away a fake tear. Meechell would wear something ugly…

    You just kind of expect Presidents to be presidential though. If it was any other Supreme Court Judge. He would be there. This is again a political statement.

  6. No dignity and no class. Obungler couldn’t be bother to put on a tie when he made his 2 minute ‘I’m so bored’ statement about Justice Scalia’s death. It did come as a surprise he didn’t say ‘I” or ‘me’ at least 6 dozen times during that time.

    Obungler and the man he married have diminished the stateliness, dignity and gravity of the office of President. They are both unseemly with no respect, honor, virtue or ethics. The White House will need an intense spiritual cleansing when they vacate.

  7. have you noticed that I have not heard him give his condolences to the family? Am I surprised?? Nope.
    If I was the family I’d bar him from attending the funeral and ‘paying his respects’ at the Supreme Court.
    It’s just a publicity ploy!

  8. All comments, all dirty racist bigoted fucks.

    Holy crap. As usual, Obama-haters are the biggest racists, bigoted turds in America today. Not to mention damn hypocrites. talk about decency and respect, yet you attack the man’s wife and children!
    Look at all these conservatives whining over Obama not showing up to attend a KKK RACIST white trash UNJustice Scalia funneral.
    He’s damned if he does, and damned if he don’t. President Obama will be paying his respect to Justice Scalia on Friday. You people act like he’s not paying his respects at all. btw Granny Bush didn’t stop playing golf while we had troops being killed in Iraq and Afganistan. he never bothered to meet ANY of our dead soldiers caskets back on U.S. soil. He was to busy playing golf to attend, or console the families, of the dead soldiers return home, from an illegitimate war he started based on lies. Now watch this drive.
    Your hero, G W Bush, did not attend the funeral of SC Justice Byron White in 2002. I doubt you hypocrites were outraged then. So you admit you are a slimy racist and the only reason you don’t like Obama is because he is half black. Thanks for giving more evidence that you right wing nuts are ignorant morons.
    Calling the POTUS a POS and a fraud seems to the usual calling call for you right-wing racists and bigots like you!

  9. This fucking piece of shit ^^ has to be one of those heavily buttfucked moslem-loving faggot progtards who refuse to work and prefer to live on the working man’s tax dollars in mommie’s basement. Very disrespectful to the recently deceased Justice Scalia. And he/she/ze gets its diaper in a bind when we talk shit about an anti-america faggot and his husband.

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