How the VA handles its suicide hotline – IOTW Report

How the VA handles its suicide hotline

VA bldg

AllenBWest: There are times when you can only shake your head in dismay and disgust – and this is definitely one…

As reported by the Military Times,
“At least 23 veterans, troops or family members who called the Veterans Crisis Line in fiscal 2014 were transferred to a voicemail system and their calls never returned,
according to a Veterans Affairs Department Inspector General report.

The VA watchdog’s investigation into the hotline’s performance launched last year also found that the centers responsible for the voicemail errors, who were contractors hired to provide backup services when the VA-run Crisis Line is operating at peak, may not have trained their counselors adequately to answer calls from those experiencing a mental health crisis.  MORE


3 Comments on How the VA handles its suicide hotline

  1. “We’re sorry, you have obviously mistaken this office for one that gives a shit. Please leave a message before the beep. After the beep thiis call will be terminated. Thank yew”.

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