Kris Jenner worries Kanye is ruining the Kardashian brand – IOTW Report

Kris Jenner worries Kanye is ruining the Kardashian brand

laugh tears emoticon

NYP: Kanye West is so out of control, family matriarch Kris Jenner is worried that “he’s damaging the Kardashian brand” and has ordered he get some crisis p.r. to reign him in.

West’s team met with a host of top publicists within the last few months — but nobody is brave enough to work with him. A source said, “His Twitter rants are out of control, and Kris fears that he’s taking the family down.


stop im gonna pee

24 Comments on Kris Jenner worries Kanye is ruining the Kardashian brand

  1. He was dumbass before he was in that family, continued being a dumbass and now she’s surprise that he’s a dumbass. Seems to me that she should stop sniffing glue.

  2. “I was gonna sue em for ‘defamation of character’ … but when I thought about it, I have no character!”

    Once you’ve descended below the lowest depths of whale shit, you can descend no further.

  3. The real moral decline of America started with women’s acceptance of the sexual revolution. These Kardashian vultures and the rest of the Hollywood trash are the inevitable degradation of the honorable, upright American housewife/mother into the mess that we see today. And their children will be even worse.

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