Republican Leads Race to Replace Barbara Boxer in CA – IOTW Report

Republican Leads Race to Replace Barbara Boxer in CA

BigGov: The leader in the race to replace retiring U.S. Senator Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in America’s most liberal state is…

condi rice  CA poll

Republican Condoleezza Rice, according to a new Field Poll released Wednesday. Rice, the former Secretary of State and Stanford don, is backed by 49% of voters–ahead of Attorney General Kamala Harris, the liberal Democrat who was the first to declare.

The poll, which sampled 972 likely voters in California, presented respondents with a list of 18 potential candidates and asked if they “would be inclined or not inclined to vote for that person,” with no limit on the number they could support. Rice led among both male and female voters, and did well among Latino voters,  read more

6 Comments on Republican Leads Race to Replace Barbara Boxer in CA

  1. Brilliant and classy lady… sadly, loyal to a fault to the Bushchilds.

    If she could allow herself to detach from their evil clutches she could fly….

    She no longer owns them anything. She should sever the cord and eschew their money and do it all on her own. Fuck the NWO.

  2. I was kind of hoping she’d get the nod as the new NFL commissioner replacing Goodell. I suspect she’d clean out that thug infested rats nest pretty quick assuming she got a no cut contract.

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