Biden: President Should ‘Not Name A Nominee Until After The November Election’ – IOTW Report

Biden: President Should ‘Not Name A Nominee Until After The November Election’

That was in 1992.

joe biden 1992

TWS: On Monday, C-SPAN tweeted a clip of then-senator Joe Biden saying President George H.W. Bush should wait until after the November election to name a nominee.

However, the Constitution does require a president to nominate Supreme Court replacements. It does not require the Senate to confirm them.  more

8 Comments on Biden: President Should ‘Not Name A Nominee Until After The November Election’

  1. Since Democrats have no principles, values or ethics, everything that they say and do is situational. It is perfectly consistent for a Democrat to insist on waiting until after an election to put forward a Supreme Court nominee when a Republican is in the White House and to insist on the opposite there is a Democrat president. This is because the only consideration for a Democrat is political power for the Party.

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