A Tolerant White Leftist’s View of the South – IOTW Report

A Tolerant White Leftist’s View of the South

Diogenes’MiddleFinger: While perusing a very well known scummy west coast bay area leftist website (I refuse to link and give them traffic) that you feel you have to take a shower after reading, I learned the managing editor of this website (who I had an epic bitch-slap fight online with once) recently called out to her readers for massive contributions for a new server in order to continue to spew their tolerant leftist ideology.

Their retarded minions gleefully came through to the tune of over $79,000. She gratefully thanked the readers and then revealed the server only cost $8,000, and with the rest of the proceeds she and her new husband would buy a used travel home (RV).

She then announced that she would take paid maternity leave, and she, new baby and her unemployed baby daddy (who she recently just married after she expelled his demon seed) would travel the country and report back and learn them up real good about the rest of the US of America.


14 Comments on A Tolerant White Leftist’s View of the South

  1. As someone who lives in rural GA near Athens, I am still amazed at how historically ignorant and morally rudderless that smarmy, self-righteous bigots like the “liberal” writer of this article truly are. She is comically oblivious to her own bigotry and intolerance as she spews hatred about people and a way of life she knows nothing about. Good that she was just passing through – we already have plenty of transplanted morons with nasty attitudes.

  2. “There was a methy, crunchy-faced man in the gas station, glaring fire at us. My husband let his testosterone rise, ready to strike like a viper, should the need arise, at the man he contemptuously described as “what all those Confederate punks looked like,” while I snapped pictures of the massive slavery flag rising over the appliance parts shop next door.

    It’s “husband” probably has two great big saggy tits, a sloppy old sock of a pussy and an asshole that has been abused by wrong way traffic

  3. Tom “stonewall” Jackson never owned slaves. In fact he taught slaves how to read and write which was against the law at the time. He was also a grad of west point. His tactical prowess is studied today. Yanks should educate themselves before lashing out at others.

  4. Most ignorance about the South can be attributed to the History being written by the North and liberal/socialist/politically correct text books not acknowledging the contributions of most of the greatest Americans this nation has produced. Yes, they were largely from the South.

    Not being taught about American History is no excuse for ignorance. However, the stupidity shown by these sanctimonious morons has grown to heights that even anti-state’s rights advocates would scoff at.

    Yes, I live North of the Mason-Dixon Line but I admire the character, work ethic, intense love of country and well deserved pride of my neighbors to the South. God certainly Blessed them.

  5. Euclid Avenue Yacht Club…the place for local losers who were too young to be hippies. Next to the GSU library, the sidewalk outside that dive is Atlanta’s most likely place for white suburban kids to be mugged by Obamasons of the Confederacy.

  6. I was chuckling by the first paragraph. She’s ignorant and doesn’t realize her own ignorance. She’s bigoted in her scorn towards the ghosts of bigots. She writes in that breathless failed humor style typical of most Kostards. It is amazing how these self-anointed pseudo-elitists are so abysmally clueless and so easily persuade themselves that their delusions are the reality.

  7. This woman and her husband are complete and utter morons. I don’t believe anything would change their preconceptions of the south no matter who they met or what they experienced.They have their “facts” and that’s all they need. Also, she can’t write worth shit.

  8. The left has lost any and all claims to morality! This Heffalump and it’s husband should be thrown in jail for hate speech! That is what they hold against us and all but demand that we die when we speak our opinions! Where is the justice? Where is the remuneration for our grievances? Where is the advocates for the Conservatives? I’m waiting for my reparations!

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