Trump Heading to Trial Over Trump University Fraud Charges – IOTW Report

Trump Heading to Trial Over Trump University Fraud Charges

trump university scandal

Legal Insurrection:

Hillary Clinton is not the only presidential contender muddling through legal battles this election season. An upcoming trial scheduled for May 6 could pull Donald Trump off the campaign trail.

Listed as a witness by both sides of the bench, Trump will likely be required to testify in a trial over the now defunct Trump University which has been accused of fraud.


40 Comments on Trump Heading to Trial Over Trump University Fraud Charges

  1. I pointed this out a few times here already.
    Trump is the reason this problem is still around. HIS lawyers have been delaying the trial.
    Trump really should have cleaned this up before he ran, but the truth is that it won’t make any difference to his supporters. They will claim the timing (created by Trump), and the charge itself (years old) are all part of a vast conservative conspiracy to take him down.

  2. “While it didn’t grant degrees or have a campus, Trump University charged students expensive rates for what critics deemed “useless” real estate seminars.”

    So it’s OK to charge expensive rates for Womens Studies and Critical Race theory because dorms and degrees. Got it.

  3. Thirdwin is right.
    Scams involving fraudulent “educations” abound, and there seems no shortage of suckers to be taken.
    Why shouldn’t Trump carve off a piece of something like that for himself? After all, this scam and the condo scam he ran I’m Mexico around the same time gave him access to cash at a time when he was behind the 8 ball.
    Heck, if he hadn’t done that he might not be running today.
    Don’t the ends always justify the means?

  4. Civil action. “No trial date has been set…”

    And the Hildabeast is being investigated by the FBI. They don’t do ‘civil’.

    I got a big hoorah laugh from some network news talking head when they wondered on air if, “Is the FBI looking into to the email server issue as a civil matter?”

    These (network news chuckleheads) don’t know shit about shineola. The FBI never does civil investigations. They only investigate criminal violations.

  5. Three things:
    1. The 1200 delegates needed for the nomination will be in Trump’s bag by May.
    2. Trump offered no credit or provided government student loans.
    3. Major universities still charge a lot more for worthless degrees in gender studies, peace studies and social justice studies with the implicit promise that the degree holder will be able to get someone to hire them with those worthless degrees. The government backs the college by issuing student loans that, unlike most loans, cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.

  6. I know, right? Everyone should wear name tags, and go by first names. haha.

    BTW- Like no one’s gonna link a story when a preezy hopeful is getting sued. Come on y’all. Really? It’s good enough when it’s Marco and Ted’s birther stories, and Hillary’s rolodex of law breaking, but not Trump’s suits? Gaaaah. lol

  7. The Trump University legal problems come from the DNC agenda of cracking down on private universities like University of Phoenix.

    I guess under the prog regime, no one is allowed to start new universities, and if they do, they have to be perfect in every way or else. Because it’s sure not like students have been defrauded with worthless and expensive degrees from public universities, now have they?

  8. Trump quote from Aggie’s link;

    “Trump also suggested that President Obama may have been behind the the lawsuit.”

    They are all out to get me…………

    Paranoia will destroya……………..

    With the lack of veracity that Trump shows in what he says how can you believe anything coming out of his mouth. This could be nothing or it could be yuge…….

  9. MJA — I want to say this in a way that doesn’t sound like I’m going after you — because I’m not. Your anti-Trump posts do far outweigh your anti-Cruz posts. And one could argue that this post is not so much anti-Trump as a statement of fact about a lawsuit in which he is a central figure. But even then, it is a very slanted view of the situation — one that I’ve been following, too. It tries to portray Trump as a slimy cheat who bilks people out of their money like those diploma mill offers one used to see on the inside of match book covers. I think these kinds of tabloid-worthy articles would be more effective if they were toned down a little, but then they wouldn’t capture that World News cachet that make them such dramatic headlines. I did get a good chuckle out of it. So, thank you for that. 🙂

  10. Ohhh it outweighs my anti cruz posts. I see, I didn’t know we each had a quota to fill. I figure Fur and Pinko have been posting the anti cruz posts so I didn’t need to repeat them. I’ll try harder then.
    So I should have hidden everything about Trump because, “slimy”.
    You have no idea how many posts about Trump I’ve passed on because they were petty and weird. But I figured people would want to know the man was being sued by a bunch of people.
    I know better now. Thanks!

    Carry on, then.


  11. MJA — Well, now, that was pretty mean of you. Someone else says “nice try” and I was just pointing out that you do post a lot of anti-Trump stuff. I wasn’t putting any emotion into it and in fact stated that I wasn’t trying to offend you. So what do I get for my carefully worded comment? Not cool.

    I’m sorry that I offended you.


  12. If no one has figured it out yet, this isn’t a “safe space” for people who have a favored candidate.
    We’ve been accused of being too anti-Trump and too anti-Cruz.

    You’ll get pro-Trump articles and pro-Cruz articles.

    We have multiple contributors here and each one of them has to have their view respected.

    I’m not going to take over, personally, and dictate that iOTW is “officially” for this dude.

    People can tell who I favor, but I honestly would be okay if it’s the other guys who get in.
    So I’m not going to say “my way or the highway” out of respect for the other contributors.

    We’re not talking about favorite band here.
    This is a serious choice about matters that people care deeply about.

    I would appreciate it if the readers would stick to commenting on a story rather than commenting on the poster and their motivations etc. It would be more interesting that way.

    You’ll get everything you need here at iOTW.
    If not, go to a site that is in the tank for your guy and see how boring that can be.

  13. If one reads the whole thread, MJA inserts herself into the conversation. Does that not make her a part of the conversation? It’s all very confusing. I don’t think it’s very gracious, either, for the poster to ask all the other kids to point and laugh at the pointy-headed kid (that would be me).

  14. Fro.m BFH above: “If no one has figured it out yet, this isn’t a “safe space”.

    And I thank you for that. I’ve been chastised, and done the same to others.

    Not needed first aid for mental vaginal bleeding even once. I trust the ones I differed with did the same.

    Almost like grownups discussing interesting topics.

  15. No one forced anyone to pay for and take a class. Taking a class does not automatically guarantee that you will be as successful as DT. I can think of a lot more “colleges” that should be sued. Not settling is the smart thing to do. This is just someone with a whole bunch of nothing trying to throw crap against the wall and hoping it will stick.

  16. Boom – You’re one here who’s blind. You sound like you’re foaming at the mouth to pin ANYTHING on DT. The dems won’t let Cruz win anyway. They have already started filing lawsuits all over the place to claim him ineligible. So go ahead and vote for Cruz so that Hillary the crook can win by default and the destruction of our country can continue rolling along.

  17. Matt Walsh is a weenie. That rocket surgeon thinks people like Trump solely because he’s politically incorrect. Walsh is so far off target he should be embarrassed. Walsh is proof any idiot can type.

  18. Boom, please start forming complete thoughts of your own.
    Your endless diahrea of links and links and links is pathetic.
    You say nothing with waaaay too many words.

    “Trump BAD! BOO!!!”

    NOW: If you have anything to add, whether we agree or not, please DO. Otherwise, please DON’T until you grow up.

  19. By the way folks;
    Trump has his clothing line made in China and Mexico.
    As pointed out above, he does hire cheap foreign labor when it helps HIS bottom line.

    The guy is nothing if not consistent.

  20. File under “Trump has done so much and will fix all our problems” file;

    Gee, it seems Trump loves him some cheap H2B Visa workers who he pays under the required local wage at his club. Just imagine if this were Cruz who was caught taking this action in a business he owned.

    I can hear the wails now coming from the Trump followers about how bad this makes Cruz and proves their point that he is a terrible candidate and a liar when he says he wants to stop the use of Visas to displace American workers.

    And yet because this is Trump who has been caught here I am sure we will be treated to all manner of excuse about how Trump didn’t know some lower management had done this terrible thing and how Trump will obviously correct it and we all should just move on because Trump says he will end the Visa program abuse.

    Funny how some Trump followers are always claiming that Trump is some sort of success just because he says he is and that this “trumps” what any other candidate has ever done. And how actions are more important than words. Yet when Trump acts it always seems to be counter to what he says when he preaches his Trump gospel to his followers.

    But hey, “God blessed us with Trump” don’t ya know……..

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