He’s not going – IOTW Report

He’s not going

John Kasich tells Megyn Kelly he’s not stopping and not giving up.

To all of those people wondering when Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who placed last in Tuesday’s Nevada caucuses, is going to come to his senses and drop out of the race for president and narrow the field, his answer remains, “never.” At least that’s what he told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Wednesday night.

More @ Twitchy

18 Comments on He’s not going

  1. I saw him on Megan Kelly last night.
    Aside from the production woes, he was a cranky bastard.
    I know it must suck to be in last place and asked about it constantly.
    But dude, pissing on Megan’s shoes?
    Non starter

  2. LOL. I keep hearing that Jennifer Hudson song from Dream Girls in my head, “and I’m telling you, I’m not goin’…even though the rough times are a showin’, there’s just no way, there’s no way…..I’m stayin’, I’m stayin’ and you, and you, and you…You’re gonna love meeeeeee!!!!

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