Trying to get comfortable – IOTW Report

Trying to get comfortable

dog being silly


7 Comments on Trying to get comfortable

  1. Adorable! She knew she had an audience and was happy to perform!

    Reminds me of our German Shepherd we had growing up. She had one hole that she dug in the yard that she kept clean of foliage. Whenever she went out, she would roll in the dirt like she was having the time of her life. My brother had the job of cleaning her off before coming in!

  2. Sophie had a bed. She only climbed onto it (not into it as she was yuuuuge!) when she was in a playful mood. Thankfully, it was made of a kevlar-type material so non-shreddable. Boy, she could grab that bed and throw it across the room! ๐Ÿ™‚

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