Blind Man’s Dog Kidnapped, Returned with Apology Note – IOTW Report

Blind Man’s Dog Kidnapped, Returned with Apology Note

chinese guide dog

TammyBruce: Good ending to this story after massive social media outrage in China. Good for them.

Via Mashable.

A blind masseur’s Labrador guide dog that had been stolen from him in Beijing, China, was returned to him with an apology note.

According to Chinese media outlets, on Tuesday the seven-year-old dog named Qiaoqiao was returned to her owner, Tian Fengbo. Around her neck, was a note sealed inside a plastic bag that read: “We are sorry. We send the dog back and beg your pardon. We have also been under great pressure these two days…” [After national social media outrage and TV news coverage].


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