Melissa Harris-Perry Unlikely To Return To MSNBC – IOTW Report

Melissa Harris-Perry Unlikely To Return To MSNBC

melissa harry perry msnbc 2015

Her Most Idiotic Musings At The Link…

DailyCaller: Professor-turned-host Melissa Harris-Perry is unlikely to return to her show on MSNBC following a dispute with the network’s producers, reports say.

The host walked off her self-titled show on Friday after the program was preempted for weeks due to election coverage, according to emails obtained by the New York Times.  more


31 Comments on Melissa Harris-Perry Unlikely To Return To MSNBC

  1. She will be back in academia as soon as she runs through her $40 million dollars she got from MSNBC for being a token mammy, progressive/socialist stooge, half-brown/half-white venomous bobble head.

    Shed no tears for this hater/agitator.

  2. Watch out.
    Her disappearance now is probably like when your tooth stops hurting a week before it abscesses
    If Hitlary wins it will be Supreme Court Justice token Mammy bobble-head
    Or Attorney General token Mammy bobble-head
    Or New Cabinet Post: Racial and Social Justice Czar token Mammy bobble-head

  3. MSNBC is circling the drain. Perry merely abandoned ship like a good rat. And like a good rat, she’ll show up someplace else to spread her diseased ideology.

    Many on FOX will quickly follow suit. There’s a big ideological battle going on at FOX right now and everybody senses it.

  4. She only wants to do what she wants to do, without supervision
    “I care only about substantive, meaningful and autonomous work,”
    Lady, now you have your shot at it.
    Unemployment is pretty much the definition of autonomous
    Swing for the fences Tampon ears.
    Don’t expect much of a severance package after you pissed on your bosses’ shoes in public

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